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"are we there yet?" my younger sister skylynn asks for literally the hundreth time.

"we are now sky," my mom says, and i can hear the smile in her voice as we slow down past a bend in the road.

i open one eye, removing my head from the window it's been layed on for the past eight hours.

"thank fuck," i mutter to myself, taking out my headphones.

my mom pretends to smack my leg, and scolds me for my language. she isn't actually mad though, she's way too happy.

i open the other eye and take a look around. we've pulled into a large drive with a white garage facing us, as well as a large front lawn with trees to the far side and an open way round to the back, with a gate to seperate us and the house next door. then i proceed to check the house out. it's fairly large, and is a light blue colour with white wood windows and frames. the door's also white. 

this is probably one of the prettiest houses i've ever seen. behind it, i can make out a large sea view which seems to be about a five minute walk away.

all three of us get out of the car, including the two dogs.

mom unlocks the door, and skylynn and the dogs run inside.


i'm sat in my room, and i've mainly unpakced. it's 10pm, and i'm about to get ready for bed. i'm exhausted - driving (especially with sky) is draining and i'm also tired from worrying about school and being the new girl, which reminds me that school's the day after tomorrow. i might just poop my pants.

stinkerbell and goat are sat on my bed with me, and their ears are blowing behind them in the slight breeze. the two of them look very cute but very dumb, and my feet are starting to get cold.

i pad over to the window, going to shut it, when i notice a figure in the window opposite me. as it moves closer, still unaware of me, i notice it's a he, and he is mighty fine.

this boi is insanely gorgeous.

he looks to be my age. i hope he goes to blue bay high too.

the guy takes his shirt off and i inhale very sharply.

his abs - his mother freaking abs are outstanding, super defined and golden.


i must've inhaled too loudly as he turns his perfect face to look at me.

he looks me up and down, then smirks.

how can one boy look so good?

i need to stop, i'm about to drool.

"like what you see?" he says, throwing a wink at me.

it's hard not to stare when he runs his hand through his dark hair.

i blush deeply, then shake my head. no matter how gorgeous this boy is, i can't catch feelings. i already know he's super popular at school - he radiates confidence and hotness, there's no way possible he isn't popular. 

i roll my eyes, "whatever you say, neighbour,"

he laughs.

his teeth are perfect.

"i didn't catch your name, new girl," he says, making eye contact.

his eyes. pools of melted chocolate, i tell you.

ugh, either way - i refuse to like him, i can appreciate his attractiveness, but no feelings. me and crushes don't mix well.

"uh? you forgotten it?" the boy asks, still smirking.

"haha, very funny," i retort.

"feisty," he says, winking again, "i like it,"

"loren alexis," i say, trying not to blush too hard at his second wink.

"pretty name you've got, loren alexis," he says, his voice all smooth and deep and beautiful.

 i immediatley regret saying my surnme as well, nobody introduces themselves with their full name anymore.

however, i can't stop myself blushing again, the compliment, but also hearing him just saying my name makes me feel tingly.

i seriously need to stop.

"and you are?" i prompt.

"except the hottest guy you've ever seen, i'm alex finnegan,"

daaaaamn such a hot name

i sigh, slightly playfully, and shake my head, a small smile forming.

"too cheesy?" he checks.

"too cheesy," i confirm.

he chuckles, and i can't help but laugh a little.

"anyway loren alexis, you coming to eastwood high?" he questions.

i nod.

"see you around then, neighbour," he says, smirking.

he turns around, signaling the conversation's over, so i start closing my curtains. i've actually begun to get warmer (from the weather or alek i'm not sure) so i decide against closing my window.

"one more thing alexis," he says, through closed curtains.

i listen.

"i think your dog's eating your panties" i hear him snigger afterwards.

i turn around, and sure enough, stinkerbell's retreived my underwear from somewhere and is chewing on it.

i cringe. the knickers are my period panties - you know the kind you never want to see the light of day and literally only keep so you don't ruin your nice pants?

they're granny size, light purple, and have rainbows and unicorns on them.

i cannot believe the hottest guy i've ever seen has seen these knickers.



that's it for the prolouge! i know it's quite different to most prolouges, but i wanted you guys to see loren moving in and get a general gist of her first impressions of alex. quite the hottie, don't ya think?

thank you for reading, i love ya loads and don't forget to vote!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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