Chapter 1

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All the countries were at the world meeting. America was shouting how he was the hero, England and France were fighting, Italy was shouting 'PASTAAAAAA', Germany was trying to get control of everything. Poor Canada was sitting all alone in the corner and everyone else was talking or just watching.

America decided to go and bother England for awhile

"Hey Iggy, are your imaginary friends here?"

"Don't call me that! and yes they are, and they're not imaginary! they're helping me with a spell." England replies.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Magic isn't real" America says, laughing.

By now all the other countries have stopped what they were doing to stare at the two.

"Yes it is, you git!" England shouts.

"Oh really. than prove it." Says America.


England takes out a stick, or a wand, and America starts to laugh. England shoots him up with a glare. England mutters some words and sparks shoot out of the wand. he points the wand at a chair, says something and the chair shrinks. then he reverses it. he starts an incantation. Then america interrupts him.

"Iggy... what are you saying. your scaring me!" America yells.

England messes up his wording and there's a big bang. a huge flash if light goes around the room. everybody starts screaming. then....

Everything goes black.


New hetalia fan fiction written by our newest member Jordan or J. ^-^ I was the one that checked for spelling errors WHOOOO sorry about it being short ~R

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