I Owe You Nothing

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Hello! I know I normally don't do authors notes, but I just wanted to write a small little disclaimer saying from this point forward there will be smut in every chapter, considering that's pretty much what this fic is about. But don't worry, those of you who don't like smut, it will always be at the end of the chapters with no real importance, so you can skip over it if you want to. Also, sorry the smut was short in this chapter, I just really didn't feel like writing it tonight. But that's really all I have to say, so you can continue...

"Uh... What?" Ronnie asked, shocked about what I just said.

"I just want to let them know I'm okay... Just in case something does happen..." I looked down, my voice was quiet. I was so scared of rejection, even though the chance was higher for it.

He shook his head. "I can't let you do that,"

I sighed. "Why not? Its not like I'm going to tell them about you! I'll lie, erm... I'll make something up. Ill say I ran away! Please," I pleaded.

Ronnie sighed and shook his head once again. "You can't, Felicity, I'm sorry. There's too big of a risk of the cops finding out about me, then my business and it would just be a big clusterfuck."

I sighed once again. "Please... You owe me this much." his eyes snapped to mine.

"I don't fucking owe you anything." He scoffed.

"You fucking kidnapped me, bought me at a damn auction or some shit, and you're fucking using me for your own personal blood bank! The least you could do is-"

"I fucking saved you, for one!" He yelled over me.

"From what!?" I matched his tone, standing up from the bed.

"From a sex hungry asshole that would have used you purely for sex then would slit your fucking throat when he was done with you! I've seen it before, trust me!" He yelled back. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"And for two," He sighed, lowering his tone. "You're not going back. Im sorry, but I have to protect my kind. I'm not letting a moody teenager ruin everything we've worked for trying to get the humans to forget about us." He said impatiently.

I sighed once again. "I just want them to know I'm okay..."

"I think that would do more harm than good,"

I looked down and chewed on my lip. It stayed silent for a moment before he sighed.

"I'll tell you what," He said as he grabbed something out of his back pocket. "You can call one person," He held the phone out to me. I was surprised, but I didn't show it. "But it has to be on speaker the whole time, and you have 3 minutes. Okay?" I nodded.

"Why 3 minutes?" I then asked. I didn't have an issue with it. I mean, 3 minutes are better than none. I just wanted to know why 3 minutes specifically.

"Because it takes 3 minutes for police to track a phone, so if they're listening, they won't be able to track you." He explained. I nodded slowly in understanding. He gave me the phone and I began to dial a number.

I couldn't believe I was about to do this.

"If you even think about saying anything about what really happened, I will personally slit your throat and let you bleed out until you're nothing but a pile of flesh and bones. Do you understand me?" His voice was deep as my finger lingered over the call button. I nodded, my eyes wide, hesitating for just a moment, but finally pressed the call button. I put it on speaker as it rang. The phone rang for a few seconds before someone answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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