Chapter Two.

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"Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson, this is Danielle," said the kind old woman who ran the orphanage as she ushered in a small, black-haired child. The child held her gaze to the floor, shuffling her feet as she entered.

A tearful smile spread out into Ana's face, and David placed a hand lovingly on her back.

"Hello there sweetie," cooed the young woman, "how old are you?"

Danielle held up a hand, two of her five fingers displayed.

"You're two! Wow!" Grinned Ana, causing the young girl to giggle and blush. The blonde-haired woman leaned backwards, pursing her lips happily.

Sighing, David leaned forward, the corners of his lips upright.

"Well, Danielle, how would you like a new mommy and daddy?"

13 years later......


Danielle felt curious eyes on her as soon as they appeared on the other side of the portal, the swirling blue and green mass closing behind them. She found it strange though, and rather unnerving, as there were no eyes to be seen. She shuddered ever-so-slightly, but regained her composure.

"That was weird, and uncalled for," she informed the boy sitting casually beside her without facing him, the tremor in her flat voice no longer present.

He just chuckled, shaking his head as he pushed his door open, exiting the vehicle. The black haired girl, rather confused, copied his actions and gazed around her new environment, her brown eyes twinkling with wonder.

"And.....where are we now?" she inquired, facing her blonde friend, one eyebrow raised. She started to wonder why she hadn't received some brief explanation yet.

"This is the nemesis," he informed her, using one hand to gesture to the immense expanse of space around them, and with his free hand he unexpectedly intertwined his fingers with hers, which were considerably nimbler. Danielle just glared at their hands, feeling a little shocked by his openness towards her.

"Rather dramatic name, don't you think?" she scoffed, half disgusted by his gesture.

She barely knew him, and now they were holding hands.

If he forces himself on me, she decided mentally, I'll make him regret it.

She felt a slight tug on her hand which surfaced her from her personal conversation, and she noticed that the British boy was now leading her down a corridor that seemed all too tall.

"Where are we going?" she questioned him once again, wishing she would just receive a detailed explanation which would simplify everything.

"To take you to see Megatron, obviously," Lee said in his as-a-matter-of-fact tone she was beginning to despise.

"Another melodramatic name," sighed the girl, "and who is this 'Megatron'?"

Suddenly, a huge, robot appeared from around the corner, it's silver armour shining, even in the dim lighting. Danielle concealed her shock and fright underneath a mask of indifference, although she felt fluttering butterflies grow in her stomach.

The blonde boy smirked triumphantly, feeling the slight jerk of her initial shock before she had recovered herself. She was taking the whole situation quite well, he noted, as he recalled the previous introductions with other newbies.

Two had began attacking, he remembered clearly, and they had been praised for their ruthlessness and assigned to Lee for training. The boy still didn't understand Megatron's methods of teaching, but he sure as hell wouldn't be one to question him.

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