chapter 8

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"Yoongi, wake up," Jimin moved Yoongi's head from his shoulder.

"Eee, what is it?"

"I have snacks,"

"Give me,"

"You can't,"

"What the.. why?"

"Because I am your master,"

"Hahaha, you can't even be a master, you are still virgin, Jiminie pabo,"

"Asshole, pervert! I didn't mean that master,"

"Oh okay,"

"Okay listen," Jimin ordered Yoongi while putting the snack beside him away from Yoongi but Yoongi's eyes on the snack while he explained to him all of the work stuff.

Suprisingly, he crossed Jimin to snatch the snack, causing their face to get close again with each other. He didn't move at all while munching the snack in front of Jimin. They had the eyes locked again for about hundred time.

Gah, my heart is pounding! Can he just kiss me or should I kiss him first?

Yoongi winked his left eye, Jimin more attracted at his beautiful eyelashes now. Without any more eyes locked, Yoongi closed his eyes and leaned first to kiss Jimin, making Jimin flinched and closed his eyes too.

Jimin held Yoongi's front of shirt, while pressing the lips with him. Yoongi just realized that Jimin replied his kiss then he stepped back.

"So are we dating?" he asked Jimin his hands still held his shirt.

"Yes! Now shut up and kiss me!" Jimin pulled Yoongi into a passionate kiss pushing him on the bed, Yoongi pulled away and Jimin whined.

"Are you sure you want to do this i me-" Jimin put his finger against his lips

"Yes, yes i do..."

"Ok...but you's gonna hurt" Yoongi cupped his face kissing his forehead down to his lips and neck. Jimin bit his lip, he let out a small moan as Yoongi rubbed his crotch and returned the same favor making him groan.

"fuck..." Yoongi groaned

"You're gonna get it" Yoongi whispered to his ear sending a shiver went down Jimins spine,



Jimin's POV

"Jimin, you looked like you are thinking too much," Taehyung approached me while I was washing my face.

"Am I?" I asked while rubbing my wet face with a towel.

"Yes, you are, but I think it is not about your relationship," he Taehyung.

Tae was wrong. Actually the truth IT IS about my relationship with Yoongi. Maybe Yoongi can control himself from flirting with others again if I was around him more and that made me... jealous...

fucking hell...tae was right i fell for the hoe! AISH! do i leave him, i'm not ready to though.

Revenge must be done...but how?

"Stop spacing out!" Taehyung smacked me behind the head.

"I'm not okay with my relationship, Tae!" I blurted out

"Then why the hell there is a hickey mark on your neck?"


"Aigoo, you are my friend, don't be a shy boy."


"So tell me what is wrong,"

"Okay, yeah we are okay but you know that I wanted to get revenge yet but..,"

"I told you before! You would fall for him too,"


"No regret, Jiminie, he is okay even though sometimes he annoyed me,"

"Revenge is a revenge, Tae. I need to fulfill it,"

"Pabo! Don't get revenge, you might get hurt too,"

"Ahh, I don't know,"

"Ha! Jiminie pabo!"


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