Voices in the Night

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I go straight to the showers. Blood is sticking to my neck and all around my mouth. I'm careful as I sneak through, not wanting to be seen covered in blood but no one is around everyone is still in the briefing. The hot water runs over me and I lean my head against the wall.

Nice. A voice rings out in my head and I scream fumbling for the facet and then wrapping myself in a towel. Come on; why not show a little bit more. I wrap it as tight as I can and get out of the stall, breathing heavily and looking all around.

"Get out of my head." I say.

Why would I do that?

"I said get out and leave me alone."


I reach for my clothes and slip them on quickly, uncomfortably conscious that my thoughts are my own then go to my room. When I get there, I get my box out and hover the stone over my neck; the skin pulls tight and then snaps back again, erasing any physical sign that I'd been bitten.

I fall down onto my bed and curl up on my side, to tired to put the stone back, too much magic use draining me fast.


I'm pinned against a wall and he stands in front of me. He holds my hands above my head in one hand the other on my shoulder, his lips pressed against mine. I can feel my body trembling beneath him as his mouth trails down my neck and then down to the top of my corset, his black hair tickling my chest.

"Do you want it?" He growls against my skin.

I nod, my eyelids fluttering and my skin growing warmer by the second. His hand comes off my shoulder and begins to undo my top.


I bolt upright, immediately trying to calm my breathing. A deep chuckle vibrates all corners in my mind and I cringe at the thought of him.

"You sick freak." I put my head in my hands, trying to get the image out of my mind.

Part of you had to want it, to go that far.

"No way, nu-ah. Not with you, you slimy dirt-bag."

Easy with the name-calling or you wont have any new ones left.

"Screw you."

If you want. His voice dripping with mockery.

Every nerve in my body is tense but I know there's nothing I can do until his blood is out of my system entirely, it could be days or weeks.

I look outside and see that it's still dark. "I'm going back to sleep, and don't you dare go in my head again."

I lie back down, trying to get some more rest, but the night isn't kind to me.


I'm glad when dawn comes. Nightmares plague me through out the night and I can't decide if they're from him or me. I get dressed as the sun rises and then make my way to Eric's room. I knock once and then he opens the door. When he sees my face he immediately knows that something is wrong. He opens his door and I slip inside.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as I'm inside I break, I fall to the ground, tears streaming down my face. He kneels down beside me and places his arm over my shoulders holding me securely, safely.

"Raven, you can tell me anything."

I shake my head, keeping my lips pressed tightly together.

"I... I went outside and he... Jessie was there. He fedme his blood and compelled me to promise to come to him when he called for me.Eric I...I should have listened to you, I should have stayed here and stayed safe.Now he has me in his control and we're all in danger."

He pulls me in and hugs me, "Raven, you'll be fine. We tell Alwood and she'll fix it. Then we'll beat him."

"No." I shake my head. "You don't get it. I couldn't beat him and even when I did manage to do a spell it hurt me more than him, it could be weeks before we're unlinked." I hold my hand out and show him the cut on my hand. "He cut himself and it healed but mine didn't, if he get's badly hurt...I'll die."

I can feel him tense beneath me.

"We'll find a way." His voice is calm but I can tell that he's nervous.

I can hear Jessie making fake gaging noises.

Really you have nothing better to be doing then mocking me? I ask trying to talk only in my head.

Why wouldn't I want to spend time looking after my future queen.

I blanche and Eric pulls away.

"What?" He asks.

"He said I'm his future queen." I whisper it to him.

"Ok, we're going to Alwood. This just went from bad to doomsday."  

I nod and wipe my eyes, no one else can see me weak or everything will fall apart.

Too late, his voice rings out again and a sick feeling spreads in my gut, this is really bad I think, meaning it to myself.

Or just really good. Jessie responds.

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