Cut me Twice, I'll Lose You

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As soon as they step inside I run into Eric.

Eric wraps his arms around me and I can feel Izzy looking at us before she turns away to quickly check the room.

"Hey, it's ok. You don't need to be afraid anymore."

I straighten up, "I'm not afraid." Everything else vanishes, "I'm just angry." My hand instinctively goes up to my neck and meets a cold gem.

I hold it lightly as I breathe heavily and then Izzy is at my side.

"All clear, let's get back to the academy before he comes back." She places her hand on the small of my back and I think I see a bite mark on her wrist but it's out of sight to soon and a little voice tells me that I'm just seeing things.


When we get back to the academy, the two take me to my room. We don't talk; they don't ask what happened to me. They tell me that Alwood doesn't know that I was with Jessie and just thinks that I broke myself out because I couldn't stand to be alone anymore, they also told me that Alwood had given me the all clear and that I could be part of the plans to take Jessie down again. I'm relieved but something in the back of my mind says that I should still be on lock down, but I completely ignore it, I don't want to go back to the cells.

Eric leaves, leaving me with Izzy. I sit on my bed and then I see her holding her hand, something red and raw on the skin.

"Izzy, what is that?" I grab for her hand and she attempts to pull it away but I catch it and inspect the mark.

"Fang marks," I breath, my gaze snaps up to hers and her eyes dart to the side trying not to look at me. "Izzy who did this to you? Was it Jessie?" She still doesn't look at me. "Did he infect you?"

As soon as I say this, an alarm begins to ring through the academy. I look over at her, "Damn it Izzy, why did you let him bite you?"

Then the door flies open and Alwood and her guards burst into my room.

"Headmistress!" We practically shout, jumping off of my bed, I don't want them to get rid of Izzy, I'll play dumb if I have to.

Izzy's chestnut brown hair goes flying everywhere as she and I both bend our heads down in respect her amber eyes burning like fire in surprise and alarm.

"Isabella. You need to come with us." Alwood calmly says her grey eyes as hard as steel, never faulting from their gaze on us.

"Headmistress." I brave. "Would you be so kind as to shed some light onto the reason why you require Isabella's presence?" I word my sentence carefully, one could be thrown out of the academy for talking back to her and I play it dumb she can't know already can she?

"Ask her yourself." She states simply in return turning her cold, hard gaze Izzy.

Izzy stands up straight and looks back at Alwood with an almost equally cold stare, something in her is different. "I haven't the foggiest idea about what you're talking about." She replies snidely.

Be careful Izzy, they could throw you out for talking to her like that. I think to myself.

"Fine, I guess we'll have to show you then. Izzy come with us to the interrogation room. Raven, you may come if you wish." I nod my head signifying that I will come, I can't do anything to stop the test I can only hope that there is a way to save Izzy, since the alarm rang it means that she is carrying the disease, the best we can hope for is that she is just a carrier and not fully infected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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