Im Too Weak

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You and Harry were walking down the street. "Thanks for covering for me" you said appreciative. "No problem." You and Harry were walking to a store. It was night time. There was two shady guys at the bus stop. "Think their wizards" you asked Harry. "Probably not" "Isn't there and entrance to the Ministry here?" "Yea" Them you heard them whisper "Let's get them." "Harry we have to go." You said "They are gonna follow us." They slowly began to follow you. You followed Harry into an alley. You were trapped. There was another two guys at the other side. We're trapped you thought. You tried to turn around. The two guys were right behind you. "What you doing guys" one said. "What are we doing to them Luci-" "NICKNAMES" Shouted the 1st one. "Sorry" You and Harry backed up. "Leave them to me!" Said a cold cruel voice. Voldemorts voice. He approached you. "Potter has a friend." "LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS!" Harry shouted. "Now where are you manners. Bow to me. BOW!" Voldemort said as he pointed his wand at you and Harry. Your insides burned. He made you bow. Harry reached for his wand. "REDUCTO" one of the Death Eaters said. Harry flew back. They grabbed your wands. "Now teach them a lesson. I'll leave y'all the pleasure." Voldemort said. Then he was gone. "Time to face hell." Said a death eater. "Give it your best!" You and Harry said. "First LEGILIMENS" he pointed his wand at you. There was a flash of color. Harry,the death eater,and you were in your mind. There was a version of you when you where 6 running around. With your parents. You felt a year. Your parents had been killed. Like Harry their love saved you. Another flash you were 7. "Look baby" said your mom. You missed her voice so much. "It's​ gonna be ok" she was crying. This is when they died. Your dad was on the floor dead. "Look at me. Be strong. You are strong. Mom loves you. Daddy loves you. Stay strong. We will always be here for you. In your heart we will wait." Then there was a flash of green. And the memory disappeared. You didn't notice you were crying. Harry had an arm on your shoulder. "I know how it feels." Zap. You were back to reality. "What" said the death eater "Are your parents dead?" He said in mocking voice. You jumped at him. You were beating him up. Punch after punch after punch after punch you threw at him. "STUPIFY" A death eater shouted. You fell back. You slowly got up only to get hit. You saw Harry charged at one and get pushed. They were hitting you repeatedly. The pain was so strong. You started to bleed from your nose. Then they stopped. They picked you up. You saw Harry get up too.
You were bleeding all over. Then they were gone. You and Harry headed home. You ignored the Dursleys and went to bed

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