Chapter 3: The Past Remembered

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Jack's POV

"ANNA!" Yells Kristoff running to Anna.

"I've been so wrong about you!" Anna yells at Elsa.

"You?! You've been so wrong about everything!" Elsa yells back.

"Maybe you are the prophecy!"

"I am NOT the prophecy!"

"Anna, I think we should go," Kristoff says trying to pull Anna away.

"I'm not leaving without you Elsa," Anna says.

"Elsa wait!" I yell. Elsa doesn't look at me. She keeps on staring at Anna.

"Yes you are." Said Elsa. She uses her powers pointing her arms towards the ground and it formed into a living snow/ice monster. The monster picked up Anna, the man, and the living snowman and threw them out of the castle and made sure they wouldn't come back as I said, "She still d-doesn't believe in me..." I felt hurt then remembered, "I haven't shown her the thing yet! I have to show her now or she'll never be able to see me!"

I walk around to find a window or something I can do ice magic on. I ran to the nearest wall that seemed the most, well, crystal clear.

I pick up my staff and touch the wall with it. A bunny of ice appears.

"Perfect!" I say excitedly. I put my hands near the bunny and lift up. And it comes to life.

Elsa turns around and sees the bunny.

"W-who's t-there?" She walks closer to the bunny and realizes what she gave up on all of those years.


Sorry to make this in the middle of the story but the rest of this chapter is kinda like a third person view or what you would see in a movie but put into a book.
All this is, is to clear up the confusion, if you were of course, confused.

The memories come flooding in, all those years, he was there for her. He came to her every night when she was little and stayed away from Anna. He tried and tried and tried to help her conceal her powers until the sun came up. Then he had to leave while here parents tried to help her.

When she turned 13 he stopped coming. She waited every day but he never came back. And she gave up and stopped believing after her 14th birthday. And all of the memories of him became dreams that she tried to forget.

He went to see her when she turned 18. He wanted to see her just one last time. He saw the sadness in her eyes and realized he should've kept coming back. He should've kept on trying and maybe she could've, she could have concealed her powers. He should have before it was too late. And left and never came back again.


She saw him. She believed in him, the man who came to her when she was little. She believed in Jack Frost.



I TOTALLY CLIFFHANGERED YOU! (I know, I know, cliffhangered is not a word)

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