Selection RP Rant

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I'm going to go on a rp rant so brace yourself

So, this will be all centered around Selection Rps

I feel like the only reason I hardly ever win is because my oc isn't a (:*śľùť*):, yes, it is true. I'm not the type of person to have my oc start kissing, touching like getting all feely and stripping down to practically nothing to hook the prince.

I find that unfair and not at all of becoming of a Queen or Princess if you ask me.

To be, they seem so easy, not like a mature, diplomatic girl that Queens and Princesses are to be.

And they always seem to win because they almost always getting knocked up.

How is that fair?

It's not!

Especially those who make their oc all love sick puppy, moaning as they get kissed, touching places they aren't to be touching, getting all frisky when they don't need to be.

Hello, get married before y'all all do that business. It's made for a marriage you know, so them others won't get hurt by their unmarried actions...

Those Oc's are so easy, they are desperate to find love, they will do anything to become a princess.

There are all those cliche loves, like I just met you, I've fell for you, I want to give myself to you, promise to be the only one.

Grab me a trash can so I can throw up like seriously.

It's a selection, you just met, give the other freaking girls a chance.

For me, I would eliminate those type of Oc's, they are not worthy of being a Queen or Princess, because that is not how they are to act.

It ticks me off so much and I can't do anything about it. Because it's not my rp.

Then you have those Oc's that always has problems.

They are abused, they have this, they have that, they have so many scars, they've almost died a million times, my ex almost killed me, my parents abused me,

Look, I get it, I don't mind your oc having those things. Some people have it bad, that way, it's okay.

But having all those for one of, get real, it's very uncommon for that to happen.

But using it to guilt trip a prince into picking you.

Oh heck no, doesn't work like that in the real world honey.

It really ticks me off, if my Oc's have problems or something, I hardly every just bluntly have them say what happened. I like to wait until they have been picked it in the elite at least.

But I don't want my oc to get picked because they get pitied.

Most the time they go over board.

With all the open wounds that aren't wrapped up, which is unrealistic, anyone knows if you get cut you bandage it.

Like its common sense.

I hate those ocs so bad.

Then you have those Oc's that get hurt in rebel acts, they get wounded really bad, lose a lot of blood and by a miracle survive.

I get in some cases people do survive.

But if you get stabbed or shot multiple times, don't god mode, you will die, because if you lose almost all of your blood, you will die.

Be realistic.

None of my Oc's get overly hurt. The occasional shot in the stomach, but they always end up surviving, why? Because I keep it realistic.

I watch so many medical shows I know how to have an oc live after they get hurt, I know what to rp for them to be okay.

Most don't and it is like, god modding, your god modding.

Then I hate it when you can't be a orphan or adopted, not everyone had parents, it's real life, at least they aren't always getting mysterious wounds.

I hate over dramatic rpers, it freaking annoys me to the end of the earth and back. Like seriously, get a grip, down freak out at the stupidest things.

I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you. But seriously, I have so many troubles with Selection rps, it's not even funny, like if you don't know how to enforce the rules, then please stop the rp, like seriously.

All those things I hate so much, and my oc hardly ever wins, the only time they do is because I keep it realistic, I make sure my oc builds a connection by getting to know them for who they are.

Not by being being easy, as the things I listed above.

It's just not fair.

I know a few people who have the same troubles as me, and we all end up getting eliminated for nor being easy...

So yeah, I think I'm done with this rant. 

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