Chapter 7 - Michi, NO!!!!!

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I slowly opened my eyes. Everyone was staring down at me.

"M-michi...?" I said as I sat up and looked around at the crowd.

"Wolf! Nyah~!" Michi said and hugged me, "Michi~Chan is sorry about earlier. Michi~Chan just panicked. Nyah~!" I hugged Michi back, tears streaming down my face.

"It's alright, Lil sis. We're here now, and that's all that matters." I reply.

"Why are you here anyway, Nyah~?" Michi questions.

"I'm the Omega. They thought that I was too weak and kicked me out of the pack. I then came to find you." I sadly told her.

"Wolf~Sama is Omega now? Oh... Nyah~. At least you still have me!" Michi exclaims.

"And me. Michi, you forgot your lunch bag." A brown-haired guy walks over to me and Michi.

"Thanks! I can always count on you, Cupcake! Nyah~!" Michi kisses his cheek. "Wolf~Sama, this is my new Boyfriend, Laurence! Laurence, this is my sister, Wolf Crescent! Nyah~!" Michi introduces.

"Hi." We both say.

We hear a shout and turn around. Everyone is staring worriedly out of the school gates.

"WE HAVE TROUBLE!" One shouts.

"What's going on?" We all look and there is a pack of wolves out there, growling and coming nearer and nearer.

"They don't look like they've eaten recently." Laurence says.

"From what I can tell, they haven't! Nyah~!" Michi looks worried.

I stare at the wolves. "I'm going after them. I brought them here. I met them after I ran off. That's why I've got all these bites. If I go after them, they'll leave everyone else alone." I start towards the door.

"NO! Michi~Chan will go. Wolf~Sama, you stay here. I'll take care of this. Nyah~!" Michi responds, surprising me.

"But Michi, you'll get yourself killed!" I told her. I wasn't going to let my little sister just do this for me. If anyone were to die I wanted it to be me.

"I don't care! Nyah~!" And without time for anyone to react or stop her, she sprints out of the school and straight to the wolves. I push to the front of the crowd and venture a bit out of the school. It's too late to stop it. I have to stand there and watch, frozen, unable to move my eyes away or to stop it in any way, shape or form. Once the wolves have finished up, they walk off back into the forest. I sink down onto my knees.

"MICHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout as load as possible, ending with a howl and then I start to cry (See song above for affect).

Me and Laurence are on our knees, crying our hearts out, especially me. She was my little sister, my precious Cinnamon Roll, and I had failed her. I failed not only her but myself. I vowed not to make the same mistake twice.

I mourned for a whole 4 months about her death, remembering all the memories that I had with her and the fights that I should have just re-thought all along. I had been a terrible big sister. And now I was an only sister. I don't feel like I belong anywhere anymore. I'm not a sister, I'm not a wolf, I'm not a pack. The only thing I am is stupid and an Omega.

The whole world seems to be concealing me away, creating a monster. Which is exactly what I am.

Hey guys! I told you that this Chapter would be lots of action! Plz don't be mad at me in the comments for killing off Michi. Thx :3

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