Chapter 30 - An Aaron's End

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We arrive at a cliff. They tell me to sit on the bench. I do as I'm told. Meanwhile, they're shouting at Clarity. Then, they do something that I couldn't bear to watch. They beat Clarity down. I would have thought that she would be in so much pain right now, crying her eyes out, but she isn't. I look back up at her. No blood. No pain. I'm so confused. They all seem confused too. She was the worst crybaby ever. She would tear up about anything. Even from Zane, even though now I know he just shut himself down.

"You can never hurt me by beating me. The only way to hurt me is to give up. I care about every single one of you, even if you've done bad things in the past. You thought I was a crybaby. I couldn't handle anything. I was too scared for death. But I can never die. Because if you give up then you can't kill me. Nobody can kill someone if they've given up. You can hurt me by giving up, though. But, knowing you, if you give up it's fake. You just pretend to give up to get what you want. I should introduce myself again. I am Clarity, also known as Sophie, also known as EpicToffee." She grabs her sword, "I will fight if needs be, but I will always win. I can be classed as that indestructible object from a game."

Then, she faints. Even though they could not harm her, they can still shoot black-out arrows. A few people shot about 10 of them into her back whilst she was talking. Counting the arrows, she'll be out for half an hour. They all advance on me.

"Get up, girl." I do as I'm told. They smirk, which I don't like, not one bit.

"Go over there, by the fence at the cliff." I go over there. I don't like where this is going.

Then, before I have time to react and stop it, they push me up to the fence, breaking it behind me, strike me with their swords, making me spark loads and then straight up push me of the cliff. (Play song now for effect.)

Memories flood through me as I fall down. As well as thoughts. I remember all my friends and family, even if they were just adoptive family. I remember everyone who was my enemy, everyone who saved me once, twice or how every many times. How Sophie told me I was a robot Wolf, who was actually built as a Werewolf. I remember how she told me about the real definition of an Omegi. I think about how this is it. I'm going to get to be with Travis finally. But what about Zane? He'll wake up some day and I'll be dead. Broken, more like. Then I came to realise something. I wasn't worth saving, being alive. I was never alive, after all. I'm just a robot. What would everyone I ever cared for knew that I was a robot? I was scared to die, though. Truthfully. I was nearing the end of my life. I could see the ground not far below me. This was it. I spent my last few moments thinking of everyone and all the memories I had and then I hit the ground. Everything went black...

Author~Chan: HEY! So, I know what you're thinking. End of the Book. You all wanted more. Well, luckily for you, more's what you'll get! I said in a much previous Chapter that a Sequel had been confirmed, and it has! I will be starting the Sequel soon, so stay tuned in for that! I hope you guys enjoyed my very first completed book and thank you for staying till the end of this. I really hope you can all join me in the next book too! Also, I would like to thank everyone who read this book and everyone who voted. Also, I would like to thank everyone who followed me. It really means a lot to me! You're all the best! :3
Hopefully I'll see ya all in the next book! So Byeeee! HEY, THIS DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO STEAL MY POPCORN NOW!

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