Be Mine: Part 1

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A/N~ First fanfic about why don't we boys!!! Don't worry, this isn't my first fanfic ever, so it shouldn't be that bad but I suck at writing so here we go!!

A/N~ First fanfic about why don't we boys!!! Don't worry, this isn't my first fanfic ever, so it shouldn't be that bad but I suck at writing so here we go!!

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You woke up, the time was 6:50 and you had to pry away yourself  from your heavenly like bed. You walked out to your extremely large balcony and got a whif of fresh air. The view was absolutely amazing from bubba's new apartment(bubba is Logan and bubby is Jake).

Now wait, let's take it back a little. Hi my name is Y/N, I'm 18 and i am the adopted sister of the Paul brothers. They adopted me when I was 10, my parents had abandoned me when I was 3 and I lived in Florida, were then I got sent to an orphanage up in Ohio. The people there were absolutely horrific, and so were the conditions. Then one day my whole world was turned around when a man an a women came looking for a child to adopt. I played softball, volleyball, and basketball as a kid and had a gigantic passion for theatre and singing. And now here I am in LA with my big brother Logan appreciating everything that I was lucky enough to have.

You did this everyday, no matter where you were, in the morning you always got up early to get a view of this amazing world you lived in. It was a good way to humble yourself and remember that you should always but people and there needs before yours. It was truly a great way to live.

 But then you remembered that time is a valuable thing, which meant it was time to go wake up Logan. You went back inside and walked to Logan's room. When you opened it you were surprised to actually him up, but not surprised to see him vlogging.

"And my beast of a sister has finally decided to join us!" Logan said with so much energy sometimes you don't even know how he does it man. When he called you beast you looked at him like 'bitch what the fuck?!'.

"Bubba, you do know your bigger then me right?"

"Yeah but your attitude is stronger then I'll ever be" Logan said chuckling.

"Why thank you" You said bowing making him laugh- your sense of humor was truly one of a kind.

"Now I'm going to go shower before we i give you guys my surprise, and you too Y/N"

"Wait what?"

"Pack your bag sis, I'm taking you on an adventure-possibly for a week- BUT STILL A GREAT ADVENTURE!!!" Logan said putting his hand over the camera for a transition.

"Wait are you serious bubba?" 

"Yeah now go get dressed so we can go soon"

"Ok I love you bubba!!!"

"Okay I love you too Y/N/N, oh and pack for like a weeks worth" He said before he went into his bathroom to shower.

"Ok got it!!" You said running of to your room to pack.

You packed some cute outfits and the basic essentials: tooth brush, tooth paste, wallet and charger. You quickly got dressed(pic at the top), ate food, and brushed your teeth before Logan finished getting ready. Fixing your nose and ear piercings, putting on a little bit of make up,and leaving your hair down.  And before you knew it you were in your car with logan driving, only because he asked and you couldn't say no.


When you got to the location, it was familiar... it was the Why Don't We boys house. Logan parked your your car in the drive way. You got out and grabbed your duffle bag, and Logan had already got his vlog camera back out.

"And here we are at location number one for your guys' surprise!" Logan said while the two of you were standing in the drive way, walking to the back of the house so that you weren't using the front door.

"Can I snipe them when we get inside bubba?"

"You read my mind sis, of course!"

You guys walked around to the back and went through a slide door. When you got in you dropped your duffle bag and began snipping people. You made your hands shaped like a gun and went into spy mode. First was Jonah and Daniel who were sitting on the couch, Then Zach who was standing a few feet away. You turned the other way and shot down Corbyn too. You walked over to a corner, and went to see Jack. You stood there for a sec.

"Finish him Y/N!"

"I'm sorry curly headed cutie...but I"

"Oh shit your not gonna be ready" He said smirking a little at what you called Jack.

"AM A FUCKING SAVAGE!!!" You said jumping and sniping him in mid air.

"Damn nice job Y/N/N!!!! THATS MY GIRLLLLL!!" Logan said giving you a high five, proud of your performance. You all moved to the living room to talk.

"So you guys remember Y/N right?"

"Yeah" They all said in unison.

"Well the surprise is....that for the next week I will be hitch hiking from Vancouver to Tijuana Mexico for Logan PaulVS!!"

"Which means you baby sis are going to stay with the guys for the next week or so!!!" He said making your jaw drop.

"You do know that I'm 18 and take care of myself right?" You asked confused.

"Yes but I like my new apartment and don't wanna get kicked out again, plus you won't be lonely"

"I appreciate the thought for not wanting me to be alone but what makes you think I'm gonna get you kicked out?" You said making Logan look at you for 10 seconds straight not talking.

"Ok good point see ya!!!" You said making the guys laugh a little.

"Oh and before I go-" Logan said taking piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Take this" Logan said handing it to Corbyn.

"Warnings?" Corbyn said making all the guys look at the paper.

"What?!" You said to Logan but he was already leaving.

"See ya guys have fun!!" He said and with that he was gone. This was going to be a very interesting week...

Whatcha guys think!!! Next part will be up soon I promise!!

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