The Introduction of Kei

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'hey fag!'

'burn in hell'

'just kill yourself already!' 



Kei stared at the messages that was sent to him daily, he was walking back from school, taking the long route because he didn't want to go home, not yet. he pulled out his earbuds and plugged them in hoping to tune out the world, even if it was just for a couple of moments. his attempts were not fulfilled as he turned a corner, just five more minutes till he was home. he stood as he looked ahead of him, a gang of boys that usually tormented him at the school, were standing there, messing around, doing dumb tricks with the new craze, spinners. he was about to turn around and head back towards the school to take the short route home before he heard one of them shout "hey, look! its that fag Kei!" 

And that was it for him, he started to run back the other way, but sadly, one of them had a bike. He knew he was done, he knew he was going to go home with even more bruises, and at the end of the day, even more. "Ha! He thought he could run away from us!" one of them said as he was stopped as the one on the bike stopped right in front of him "come on guys, haven't you tortured me enough for one day?" Kei asked, baking away from the group  slowly "no, i think you deserve more!" one said "fags like you should die!" said another "bu-!" Kei was cut off by a hard punch to the face making him fall on his but "shut the fuck up and DIE" 

Kei limped the est of the way home, having a black eye, a bleeding nose and lip, an aching side, and most likely a broken arm. his leg was ran over by a bike wheel, and his arm stomped on repeatedly. his phone screen was cracked and he was soaked because it started to rain. He was very thankful for the rain though, it saved him even more damage. 

He walked through his front door, kicking off his shoes and heading to his room upstairs with great difficulty. once he entered his room, his father was waiting for him. "where have you been!?" he shouted, ignoring all the blood and bruises on his sons face "i'm sorry Dad" Kei said looking down, and then he felt it, a hard blow to his stomach. His father had hit him, he fell to the ground, holding his stomach, and then he was kicked in the face, drawing more blood from his already bleeding nose and lip. "'Sorry' isn't going to cut it!" his father shouted, kicking his rib cage. He was crying by now, curled up in a ball on the floor, and that when his father grabbed his hair, forcing him to look at him "your pathetic." he said and dropped his head to the ground and leaving, slamming the door behind him. 

Kei fell asleep after that. He woke up again, it was midnight according to the cracked screen of his phone. 'what did i ever do to diverse this?' he asked himself, attempting to get up, but falling to the ground in pain. He ended up crawling towards his dresser, opening up a drawer and pulling out a medical kit, and patching himself up. he took pain killers, and cleaned up his bloody face, and then waited. once he was sure he could leave the house without waking up his father, he got up and limped towards his door. he peeped out, his blue hair dangling to the side of his head. he made it to his front door, and pulled on his shoes, and left. It was a very starry night. No cars, no street lights, no lights on in any of the neighboring houses. perfect. Kei limped his way towards the woods that were behind his house (no he does not have a back door, which means he had to limp all the way around his house, open a gate that made a lot noise and then crawl under the fence that blocked off the woods to his back yard.).

"why the hell does this happen to me? what the fuck did i do to upset everyone? especially my own Dad?" he asked himself, his voice very horse, and dry. as he was going through the woods his limps began go away, and he was able walk a little faster and avoid hidden tree stumps a little better. He was making his way towards a very important place, a place were he had prepared everything for this exact day, and this exact moment in time. he aw it in the distance, it was a rough outline of a small tree house in a tree that his father had built for him before his mom died, that was ten years ago, when Kei was only seven, his mom had died when he was ten. he's seventeen now, and his life is a living hell.

He was able to get in the tree house and set everything up. he was doing something very risky, and super dangerous. he was going to summon Satan. he wasn't even very sure that this was going to work, but he had to try. he needed someone in his life, someone that cared, even if it was just pretend, even if it didn't last long, even if it meant going to hell. he needed someone. or he would just end up killing himself, he had many ideas how, he could slit his wrists, he could hang himself, he could overdose on drugs, he could even take his fathers gun that he kept in the attic and shoot himself. 

there was endless possibilities, but he didn't want to die just yet, if this worked he would wait till his time was up, and go to hell young, but at least he had someone, a friend. and there it was, as Kei sat on the wooden floorboard of the tree house, the pentagram set up and everything in place, he chanted the spell, making sure he pronounced everything right so it would work, the candles lighting up the area, and then he set the bowl that was in front of him alight, and nothing. He didn't understand, did he do it right? he had the right animal blood, the right spell, he didn't fuck up the pentagram in any way, so how come it didn't work? 

all of a sudden all the candles went out, and Kei was smothered in darkness. "h-Hello?" he asked out, tentatively. slowly standing up, rubbing his arms with his hands because of how cold it got, he could see his breath. "You have summoned me" said a voice in the darkness, making Kei jump, "what is it that you are looking for?" it asked again "i-I want to m-make a-a d-deal!" Kei stuttered, looking around in the dark, and jumping when he felt cold breath against the back of his neck "and what is it you want Kei?" it breathed, sending shivers down Kei's back "i-I want you to..." he hesitated, nervous about making this deal "you want me to what?" the voice asked "i want you b-be m-my f-f-f-friend..." Kei stammered, looking down in embarrassment "hahaha!" the voice said and then there was a figure in front of him, a tall man with horns and razor teeth and glowing red eyes was looking down at him, Kei couldn't help but notice that he was very muscular and handsome, Kei looked down at his own body, and noted that he was scrawny and thin. 

Kei dropped down to his knees, and started to hyperventilate, he couldn't help it, he hated being small, he was the shortest kid in high school, only being 5'2', while Satan looked to be 6'4'. after five minutes, he was better and calmed but he didn't look up, he could hear Satan chuckling. he looked up finally. he sat there, looking at the tall menacing figure before him "are you sure about this?" he hesitated, "of course"  


this was a lot of words! the end of the last paragraph was 1363 words! anyway, like, comment, and vote for another chapter!

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