chapter 2 ig

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Of course
"Hold still!" Was the only condolences I got, when a jagged arrow point was ripped from my arm "uGh,"I groaned "WIll WHat the HEll leArn ta AIm GodS" I said, still in pain "Well if you weren't eating cook-" he got more arrow-point out of my arm "-ies and were watching where you were going" he grunted "this wouldn't have happened, you silly goose" he gently wrapped bandages around my arm, while I glared arrow points that had just been ripped out of mY ARM at him. "Now would it?" He asked. I didn't reply, I tried to sit up, the small moment shot pain from my lower bicep to my shoulder "oW jfc" I cursed. "Tsk tsk tsk" he put his hand on my chest "your not going anywhere, big boy, not till that arm's healed" he said with a smirk. I glared again "well maybe if you haven't hit bone with a JAGGED ARROW HEAD I could leave" i hissed. He smirked and patted my head. Then promptly walked out of the room.

I waited there for about 5 minutes of pure agony and boredom. Until Annabeth emerged from the outside. No he didn't walk in. She emerged, with the grace of a princess, with her beautiful eyes and- you get the point. She sauntered up to me "... Sooo seaweed brain, how'd ya manage to get hit with the most dangerous arrow they had? Were you trying?" She teased "I dunno. Got distracted. Cookies and blue, and blue cookiesss" I drawled. "Maybe I should start escorting you around camp" she replied "Oh gods I can see it now, I'd never do anything fun again" I joke "that's the idea" she laughed. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek "seya kelp face" she chuckled "bye owl breath" I jeered. She snorted and started toward the door, but stopped dead in her tracks when Rachel, our oracle, stumbled and fell in the middle of camp, threw her head back and thick green smoke spewed from her mouth and eyes. "What the-?" She questioned And  took off towards the crowd forming around Rachel. "Of course, just of course." I grumbled, ignored the stabbing pain, and rushed to see what was up that could've only happened ye day I got hurt.

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