Chapter 3

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For once I'm the lucky one

I was surprised, in lack of better words, it's not everyday that the oracle spews out another prophecy, but anyway, where was I? Oh yea, the oracle was doing its oracle thing.  Rachel was kneeling in the grass, the smoke creeped down her body slowly, it encased her, she rose a foot above the ground and a voice, unlike Rachel's. A primal voice, that almost sounded, scared, chanted
          'Children of death and daughter             
           Of  wise
          Must save me from utter demise.
          All better judgment they must
          Follow the weeping trees
          Defeat the trial of Hercules
          Fore my new prison lies ahead
          The cage will only open when the
           Marsh runs red'
The smoke lowered Rachel to the ground and dissolved. Rachel laid still on the ground.  Will slowly approached her. She wasn't moving, but the whole oracle thing always gave him the Heeby jeebies, so it took him time to gather up the courage to try and assist her. He dropped the the ground next to her, and felt her pulse. His face showed relief mixed with caution. He gestured to the other Apollo kids. They came forward and together they carried Rachel off to their cabin.

The whole camp let out a breath, and then it erupted in questions and dread. "Who's going this time"'S and "what's the even mean!?"'S were basically the only thing that said. Chiron stomped his hoof and held a stern gaze while he looked over the camp. "That will be enough. Return to your daily tasks" I started toward the Apollo cabin because, gods my arm hurt, Annabeth insisted on walking me back, because Will was going to be pissed that I directly disobeyed "doctors orders", until Chiron said "Annabeth. I need to see you, at the big house. Percy, return to the infirmary before you get that wound infected. And if Nico is there, I need to have a word with him as well. Off you go." Since I know better then to argue with Mr. half pony over there, I braced myself for an angry doctor, and trudged back to the Apollo cabin.

"What the HELL did I say about moving? You could have hurt yourself! Sit down you fish face. Now I have to redress your bandage because your bleeding everywhere from moving your GODS DAM-" I stopped paying attention to will's ranting at that point. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. Then Nico faded out of the shadows, wearing that weird tank top with TØP on it, and those tight black jeans he wears like, everywhere. Jeez man how do you wear the same pair of pants everywhere for every occasion? He tapped will on the shoulder. You know when you put a cucumber behind a cat and it freaks out? Imagine that but instead of a cat it's a blonde doctor and instead of a cucumber it's an 80 year old gay Italian. Will jumped out of his skin and when he saw it was his creepy little boy friend he playfully shoved his shoulder. "WhaswrongwithyoU?" He slurred. Nico looked confused "I do that everyday how are you still surprised?" He asked. "You promised not to anymore" will said frustrated. Nico shrugged "ig I lied". "I hate you" will scowled. "Love u too" Nico winked, will blushed. "Ahem" I intruded, "Nico, um, Chiron wants to 'have a word' with you. Hustle up man. He's at the big house with Annabeth." I stressed Annabeth to let him know that when he comes back I want every word that was said in that room. He seemed to understand, he said goodbye to will and jogged off to the big house. Will turned back to me, eyes glinting. "Now, I have to redress your wound. And no, it won't hurt as much as last time." He said. Lit'll hurt more won't it?" I sighed. Will nodded,m, I took a deep breath and he got to work.

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