Chapter 42

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It happened again.

Heather made her have an anxiety attack.

I don't even know how long she was in that locker.

Yes, she's short and skinny, but she can't stay in a locker that long.

I ran her out to my car not caring if I was speeding.

I took her out and carried her to the room.

I laid her on the bed and took her hand.

"Please wake up, Hayden. I can't do this on my own." I said.

I looked at her.

Her breathing was slow.

Like she was sleeping but dying at the same time.

I need her.

I can't believe someone would do that to her.

She doesn't do anything wrong.

I squeezed her hand and laid my head on her flat stomach.

I felt her breathing.

I felt a small squeeze.

"Hayden?" I asked.

Her eyes fluttered open.

"Andrew?" She said.

"I'm here. I'm always here." I said brushing a stray hair behind her ear.

"Did it happen again?" She asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately it did." I answered.

She bursted into tears.

"Hey, don't cry. Please don't. I love you." I said as I held her.

"I'm sorry I can't be normal." She cried.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I get scared and my anxiety goes off the charts. I'm sorry I'm scared to love. I'm sorry for being mentally ill." She sobbed.

"Hey. Now you listen to me. You are normal. You are a human being. Your mental illnesses are just a little bumps in the road. You can't control this. We're going to get through this together. I love you." I said comforting her.

"I love you too." She mumbled.

I tilted up her chin to face me.

I bought her in for a kiss.

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