Chapter one: Friends?

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A/N So from now on the story will be told from the point of view of either Draco or Harry. Occasionally there might be a chapter from the third person but that is yet to be decided. Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V

"Just remember that we love you no matter which house you're sorted into." Mum reminded me for the millionth time. I rolled my eyes and nodded, giving her a quick hug before turning to my dad. 

"See ya buddy. It'll be awfully quiet while you're gone,  but we'll see you at Christmas okay?" He said, ruffling my already messy hair. "It won't be that quiet, not while Uncle Padfoot's around." I joked, earning a forced chuckle from my mum and a genuine laugh from my dad. 

"I'll be fine mum. I promise. I've got to go now, bye!" I called as I boarded the train. 

"Don't forget about the sweets!" My dad shouted after me, winking and giving me a thumbs up. I gave him one back and went in search of an empty compartment. They were all full. Except for one. 

I slid the door to the compartment open and stepped inside.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked the boy who sat by the window. He diverted his attention from the crowd outside to look at me and smiled, lighting up his beautiful grey eyes. He had an aristocratic face with high cheek bones and slightly pointed ears. Fluffy platinum blond hair fell slightly in his face and he kept trying to brush it behind his ears. 

"Of course! My name's Draco, Draco Malfoy." He said brightly, gesturing to the empty seat across from him. I put my stuff away and sat. "Harry Potter. By the way, do you know how long the train ride is?" I asked, realizing that I had forgotten to ask. Draco shrugged and stretched out on his side.

"Beats me. Can't be too long though, can it? I mean, otherwise they would have arranged a faster means of transportation." 

"You have a point there... so... what house do you think you'll be sorted into?" I asked, trying to find something to talk about until the trolley arrived and I could get something to keep my mouth occupied. 

Draco sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know I'll be a Slytherin. There hasn't been a single person in my family who hasn't." 

"Huh. That's exactly like my family, except that they were all Gryffindors. I don't feel like I'd be one though. It just doesn't seem right. But I can't shake the feeling that I don't belong in any of the houses... oh Merlin. What if I can't be sorted and have to leave because there's no house I belong in?!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands into the air and slumping back in my seat. Draco snorted and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Don't be ridiculous. There's always a house for everyone, no matter what." 

Good. I didn't want to be that one kid who couldn't be sorted. The compartment door slid open and a cheery voice carried from the corridor. "Anything from the trolly dears?" 

Deers. Ha. I laughed inwardly at my pun and took out my money. 

"We'll have four of everything." No, that wasn't me. That was Draco. I shot him a look that asked, 'Are you sure?' and he shrugged, handing over his money and dumping the load of sweets onto the seat beside him. 

"Come sit over here, it'll be easier for you to get to the sweets." Draco suggested, moving over and pushing the sugar into a spot so that it would be between us. I grinned and sat beside him, shuffling through the assortment of unhealthy foods until I found my favourite. Treacle Tart.

"Thanks! Mum and dad always said that the best way to make friends is to share sweets."

"Huh. My mum said the same thing."

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