How Percy started to date Harley Quinn

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Old: The Assassin 9-13
YJ: Seabird 13-19
JL: The Seas Assassin 19-30
Secret Identity: Perseus (Percy) Jackson son of Potus primordal of the seas

Seabird was at Mount Justice watching tv, with his (ex girlfriend) best friends Starfire, Superboy,  Wally (Kid flash) and Artemis, when Dick's (Nightwing) voice said over the mind link, "Ethan someone called and said that she wanted to meet up with you just outside the cave and that you would reconize who she was but she became 16 because of Time Master and that she was going to wear her usual suit. Superboy and Zatana will go with you to maje sure it isn't a trap." Seabird said back, "Alright lets see who this secret admirer is!!"

Whe they were ready Nightwing opened up the hanger doors. When we walked out i looked around and saw a girl, with blond hair with red and blue highlights, sky blue eyes and a one piece type costume.

All threes eyes widened as they saw a 16 pr 17 year old Harley Quinn.

Seabird said via mind link:

Seabird: is that Harley???

Superboy: why is she 16

Zatana: *sends mental image to the rest of the team of Harley*

Kid flash: she looks hot!!

Artemis: your dateing me idiot!!

Kid flash: right

Nightwing: Seabird ask her what happened and why she is here.

Seabird then asks Harley, "Why are you my age and why did you ask for me specifically??"" I became your age because Mr.J brome up with me and i asked the Time Master to make me your age so that i wouldn't be crazy and as to why i asked for you.....i asked for you because even when i was with Mr.J i would fantasize about kissing your lips and to dating you" Seabird, Superboy and Zatana look at Harley in shock. Then Zatana says to Harley, " We all thought you hated him because you two we nemisises when he lived in Gotham?? ""I was his nemises then because he was fighting with Robin and Batman,  also because i was a 20 or so years older than him and also because if Mr.J found out i had a crush on a 13 or 14 year old kid while i was dating him he would have killed the both of us."" So what stops him from finding you now and killing you??"" He thinks i died in a car crash a week or so ago."

Seabird walks up to Harleyand raps his arms around her because she was crying at the thought of Seabird dieing because of her. Seabird then out of no where kisses her. Harley stiffens up but relaxs and kisses back.

And that is how Percy ended up dating Harley Quinn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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