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"Listen! Someone is knocking at the door!"

One rainy day, when thunder is brewing in the skies, little Julianne Lockheart hears a knock on the door. It is not very unexpected - just, an unwanted burden. Julie and her sister, Jennifer, are afraid of what they might see if they open the door.

Could it be kind old Miss Carter or gentle old Mr James?

Or, could it be that they open the doors to an ugly past?


My dear Readers,

This story that you are about to begin is an original story, created by myself, with (a little) help from the internet and my own knowledge of the circumstances that I have gained in my twenty years. Kindly note that it is not intended to imitate or mock any other existing or published story. It had started off as an assignment (as usual). It is just a story that I have written from the bottom of my heart and shall not tolerate any misconceptions, whatever they may be.

I know this isn't the best story ever, but this is, like any of my other stories, is the best that I could come up with.

Yours sincerely,

The Author

(Sunday, 14 May 2017)

The Goodacre Chronicles #1: The Piper QuestМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя