Chapter 3 - Part 1

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"Stop looking for him," Matthew said, pulling me closer

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"Stop looking for him," Matthew said, pulling me closer. "If you give him more attention he'll keep hounding you."

We were standing together. I resented the warmth of his hand that seeped through the thin layer of my top.

His logic made sense but I didn't want to look at him. It wasn't that he wasn't nice to look at—he was so good-looking it was hard to concentrate when he set those dark-green eyes on me. It muddled my brain and made it harder to think logically.

"Fine," I muttered, making of point of looking at him.

"That's not going to work," he said, studying me for a moment.

Then he lowered his head and kissed me before I knew what was happening. My hand went to his chest as I savored the feel of his lips moving against mine. It lasted only a few seconds before he stopped and looked back at me confidently. I struggled to remain standing, my knees unsteady.

"That's better."

"Why?" I managed to get out breathlessly.

"You need to look like you at least like me." I didn't like him. I was attracted to him but I didn't like him very much at all.

I glared at him. "Don't do that again."

Instead of looking apologetic, he smirked at me. "The next time I kiss you it will be because you ask me to."

This guy's ego was astounding.

"As if," I muttered under my breath.

His hand went to the small of my back and touched it gently.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked, looking up at him, but his gaze was fixed across the room.

"Your stalker is watching. It's time to play the part," he said, looking back down at me.

The way he looked at me made me want to pull him close and cover his lips with mine. I'd been attracted to guys before but what sizzled between us was nothing I'd ever experienced before.

"I'm not going to ask you to kiss me." I was determined to resist him, there being a stalker or not.

He pulled me closer and my hands went to his hard chest. I swallowed hard, fighting my hardest to act immune while he held me.

"That's your choice. I don't have to worry about an ex-boyfriend who won't take no for an answer."

He had me backed into a corner. If I didn't kiss him and play the part, Ryan would continue to make my life impossible. This was the only way to ensure he left me alone.

"I hate you," I whispered before I pulled him down, but he resisted. I was only a breath away from his lips. My eyes flickered to his lips before they returned to gaze up at him.


I wanted to tell him to go to hell. Instead I reluctantly did as he said.

"Please kiss me."

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