Chapter Two

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As i walked deeper into the woods i begin thinking about my life. Me Kelly the simple shy outcast girl whose parents ran away and left her behind without goodbye without nothing.

With my interests simple i liked reading, i like to consider myself a good singer.

I absoultly adore singing it's a way out of my life, everything else around me disapear and it's just me and the music in the room. My mother Julia always told i would become a star in the future. But my father Joey had different ideas he was hoping i would become a lawyer cause i'm (a genius in school) his words not mine. In my younger years i liked dancing i took ballet lessons.

My deep thoughts were interepted by the sound of branches being stepped on. I looked around no one was near. I shrugged thinking it was probobly some animal. But it's doesn't hurt to be a little faster. No sound came after.

*Help* called a small sound. But i didn't see from where.

*Hello.* i yelled *Is there someone here* i looked around not a single evidence that a person was here.

*Up here* the sound said again. Finally it hit me, i took a peek to the tree above me, There were a girl about my age sitting on top of a branch.

*Please i got here and i don't know to get down.* She said.

*Okay no worries how about you jump and i will catch you don't be afraid* i replied.

i took a step back trying to calculate the angle where she would land. *Can you jump now?* i asked her.

*Actually i think i'm fine but thanks* I looked confused and turned around where the sound came from and suprisenly she was right behind me how did i miss her landing?.

*Hi i'm Hayley what's your name?* Hayley asked.

*Hey i'm Kelly so how exactly did you climb down that tree?* i said.

She looked at me and said *Sorry i'm starving* She stepped closer and opened her mouth were she showed her fangs , WAIT FANGS and veins started poping out around her eyes. Hayley leaned in towards my neck and bite it.I screamed but soon she coverd my mouth with hand so the only sounds i was making was muffled ones.

Just about when my body was going numb and falling to the ground, She stopped drinking my blood and forced her wrist to my lips forcing me to drink from her blood. Hayley let go and snapped my neck then left me to complete darkness.....

*The next day*

I woke up with my neck hurting a lot. I squeezed my eyes open only to meet with more pain, what the hell is wrong with me why am i hurting.

Suddenly it all came to me like a brick being thrown straight to my face. I left 'home' then ran to the woods where a fricking vampire bit me!!!! I sigh and took a look to my surroundings. So okay i'm in an unkown bedroom in a strange house and i can't move a muscle without it hurting my whole body.

I got up ignoring the stinging feeling that came with. Luckly there was a miror i looked at it and removed my hair from around my nech to find two fang holes under my right ear suprisingly it started to heal.

From what i heard a werewolf isn't supposed to survive a vampire bite atleast that's what my parents told me. Then what am i any injury would usually take days to heal not minutes like now

*Is there somebody here?* i yelled.

Not after long footsteps rang closer to the door in my current room. There entered a beautiful tall blond, bluse greenish eyes and pale complexion too pale for my liking.

*Hi* she said being perky. *How are you i'm Natalie by the way and you're Kelly, Hayley told us about you sorry for the bite* she added.

*Well nice to meet you if you don't mind me asking am i a vampie?* i said.

*Right back at you and yes you are but we will train you not to lose controle for your bloddlust. hope you aren't mad at us for turning you but Hayley saw something in you that she had to make you a vampie* Natalie said.

*Well i'm slightly angry but not mad and i have an issue don't have a place to stay in.* i replied.

*Okay not a problem you can stay with me and Hayley we an extra room youu can stay in* She offered.

*I couldn't thank you enough, by the way if i said something promise you wouldn't be mad? i said.

She nodded. *I'm a werewolf* i said.

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