Chapter 2

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A/N : Zac Mathews in the pic <3

Zac's POV

I arrived here in US just last week. And today is the first day at school. Oh the pleasure. Note the sarcasm.

I entered the class behind Mr. Parker. I guess that what his name was. As I entered , all eyes were on me. But hey, I don't mind. I am already accustomed to being the centre of attraction. I mean if you have body like mine , then girl drool over you. Not that I am full of my self. Its just the truth. All that workout, of course I give myself some credit. 

My eyes scanned the class and the stopped at a brunette beauty. Those captivating blue eyes where staring right back at me like they were studying my soul. Suddenly Mr. Parker cleared his throat and gestured me to introduce myself. I don't know why but right now, all I wanted was to sit behind that brunette beauty before someone else takes the place.

"Hi ! I am Zac Mathews. I am from London."

After saying this , I quickly sat behind the brunette beauty and a smirk made way to my lips when I saw her looking at me.

Mr. Parker started his lecture that I very much ignored. My attention was at the girl in front of me who was listening to whatever Mr. Parker was saying. I give credit to this girl for listening to his shit. I mean who want to learn about a bunch of dead people. But well I don't make the exam system. If it was in my hand, then I would bury history subject in grave and most definitely get a Nobel Prize for the services to the mankind.

After all the torture, the bell rung and the girl stood with her bag and the guy beside her put her arm around her shoulder and the girl beside her looped her arm with her walked outside. All the students made way for them. They walked like they own the place. Well that's something that I do.

I also walked to my next class . In all classes , the girls had same reaction to me. I made a friend named Blake because he's also in football team. The tryouts are tomorrow. I already know that quaterback position is mine. I was captain in my last school but I learned from Blake that the captain is some guy named Aiden.

Many girls tried to flirt with me and obviously I flirted back.I got to know alot of people. Finally I went to the cafeteria with Blake. Blake introduced me to the rest of the team and we sat with them at their table aka the popular table in the middle of cafeteria . Suddenly all of them stopped talking and smiled at something behind me.

I turned to see the brunette beauty with the guy and girl from before. Suddenly all the people on table went to them and showered them with hug and "Hi Rose" , "What's up dude, "Hey Tay". So the girl's name is Rose. Perfect for a beauty like her. Wait what the fuck am I saying.

After their greeting , Blake pushed me ahead.

"Hey Aiden! this is is Zac . He will be in the tryout tomorrow. He was the captain in his last school."

This is when the three of them noticed me. Aiden shook my hand with his other arm still around Rose's shoulder. I guess she is his girlfriend.

"Hey bro! Best of luck for the tryouts tomorrow."

"Thanks dude."

Then Rose and the other girl whose name is Taylor shook my hand. Aiden put out a chair for Rose and Rose sat on it then he and Taylor sat on her both side. I took my seat beside Aiden while Blake sat beside me and all of them seated. Suddenly an ear piercing shriek brought our attention to the source.

"How dare you bump into me you whore."

A blonde who I think definitely dyed her hair was shouting at a girl. By the looks of it she was a freshman. The girl had tears in her eyes and was continuously saying sorry. Then the blonde picked up the milk glass from the freshman's tray and dumped it on her head. A gasp erupted in the whole cafeteria. Suddenly I heard screech of chair and saw Rose walking towards the blonde who was still shouting at the poor girl who was now sobbing.

All the people on our table gave each other a glance and stood up and followed Rose. Rose suddenly picked A milk glass from a standing guy and dumped it on the blonde. My eyes widened. I didn't expect this. The blond whose back was toward Rose shouted

" You Bitch"

The cafeteria became dead silent . I am sure the whole cafeteria will hear if a needle is dropped. The blonde turned and her eyes widened when she saw Rose. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish.

" Oh I think you need some help with that stain." This time it was Rose who spoke this ever so sweetly. But one look in her eyes and you can tell she was burning with anger. After saying this, Rose snatched water bottle from girl and dumped it on the blonde. Again Rose left me speechless. God protect the person who comes on her bad side.

The girls gasped at Rose but kept her mouth shut.

Rose turned to the freshman girl who was now standing with widened eyes and I am surprised they haven't came out of eye sockets.

"Sweety ! You alright? " 

The girl still shell shocked just nodded.

Rose then turned to the blonde 

"Ashley why don't you bring me two glasses and milk and a water bottle."

It was a simple statement but I can see that it was a command. The blonde who I now know as Ashley quickly walked away and brought the said things in record time. Still the whole cafeteria was looking at Rose. Rose gave the water bottle to girl who she snatched the bottle from and the milk glasses to the freshman and the guy. Again Rose has managed to surprise me.

"Ashley you see the girl's top is stained. We can't leave her like that can we?"

Rose was again speaking sweetly but everyone knows that right now he was a bomb ready to explode. She stood their with all the confidence in the world that can make anyone bow her head in front of her. Ashley was just staring at Rose so Rose continued.

"I think you must have an extra top in your locker. Why don't you give it to her! "

Ashley now suddenly had tongue in her mouth.

"But my clothes will be so loose for her. I mean look at her."

I got the hidden meaning in her words. She was again insulting the poor girl. And this only more angered Rose but still she was calm.

"Oh honey ! You don't need to worry about that. Your slutty clothes will just look decent on her. I mean everyone knows you buy one size smaller."

"BURNNNNNNNNNN" Blake hollered. And the whole cafeteria started laughing. Even the girl who was sobbing a minutes before was giggling. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. 

Ashley's face was red from embarrassment.

"Now why don't you go and give her your top."

Ashley just nodded. But it looked like she was controlling herself from hitting Rose. Rose was still looking at Ashley .

"Anna can you please follow Ashley and confirm that the girl gets the top without any incident happening! "

Again she said it like a question but to everyone, it was like a command. A girl who I remember from our table stepped forward and smiled at Rose. Then Anna glared at Ashley and smiled at the freshman and asked them to follow her.

When the exited the cafe , I released a breath which I didn't know I was holding .

But after this incident, I know one thing that Rose is the most perfect girl I have ever met.


A/N: Hi everyone! Here's the second chapter. Zac's POV Yayyy.  I hope you liked it.

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All the love <3

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