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I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to rest as soon as possible, otherwise I'd collapse right here on this spot.

Moving my tired body next to a tree, I let myself fall. Sleepiness overcame me, but I needed to stay alerted.

You'll never know when something is going to happen. Or what is going to happen.

I was in a safe distance from our territory now. They could still track me, but it was safe enough for me and my wolf.

She never talked to me, though. I don't know if it's because of my past, or if it's just because I've got a quiet wolf.

Which was abnormal.

Wolves were supposed to be demanding, loud, confident.

Mine was neither of them. She was there, but not really there. It's kind of confusing, and I'm still hoping that it will change one day.

I only shifted for a few times also. People wondered if I even could shift or not. It was a rare occasion for me.

That's also one of the reasons why my senses aren't as good as the senses of other wolves. My body was also giving up real quick.

It's because nobody attempted to train me. I was just their personal slave.

I was like a newborn child, which needed guidance. I needed someone to teach me, to train me. I couldn't do that by myself.

But what if it was too late? What if my wolf would never talk to me, or give me guidance when I was in a bad situation.

I shook my head.
I can't let that happen.

Opening my eyes, I was welcomed by an illuminated surrounding. I quickly closed them again, since my eyes were really sensitive.

I slightly rubbed my swollen eyes. I didn't get much sleep, but it was better than nothing.

Standing up, I brushed the dust away which had formed on my sad excuse of clothes.

I was taking my backpack from the ground, but I was stopped by a growling sound.

I looked down at my stomach, and heard the growling again. Squeezing my stomach tightly, I bent down and stood still in that position. My body was craving nutrition. Something which could still my hunger and deliver me more energy.

I just realized how skinny I was. Not that 'supermodel skinny', I mean that skinny where you're scared to touch that person as if he would break down any second.

It was sick. I was sick.

You could feel my bones beneath my thin layer of pale skin. In that moment, I was even scared to touch myself.

I couldn't remember the last time I had a full meal.

After a while, I got a little bit better and started to walk again. I was surrounded by big trees, who knows how old those were.

I was trying to find a way out of the forest. I needed to find a town as soon as possible. No one would assume that I had gone to a place full of humans.

My kind didn't really despise humans, it's just that we keep our distance to them. They would suspect something. Humans weren't that dumb, some of them even believe in my kind and try to get more information.

Those kind of types were dangerous and you needed to be careful with them.

Suddenly, I smelt something weird. Even though my wolf didn't talk to me, I could feel her presence. She also felt being watched. It made my hair stand on end.

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