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Hello Wattpad Lovers,

How have you all been?,Its been long since we conducted a contest so we are here with a new contest called BOLLYWOOD TRIVIA

Well you read right it's the Bollywood Trivia,In this contest we would be giving questions related to our Bollywood films,Stars,Songs etc with four options and you need to tell the right answer

It would be fun to know how well do we know our heroes and heroines,right from the clothes to makeup to hair to acting and what not we always follow our Bollywood stars so here is the platform to test our knowledge.   

Well every game has certain rules,so some rules for Bollywood Trivia are

1.The answers given in the Timeframe would only be considered
2.Please send your answers in Personal Message and do not leave a comment
3.The answers should be mentioned with the name and not just the alphabetical order
4.We know you would answer correctly but incase your first answer is wrong and you resend a answer,only the first one would be taken into consideration
5.Please try to mention the correct question number

Wishing you all Goodluck,
Team WIB

Bollywood TriviaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora