Chapter 1

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Jax sped through the woods, channeling energy into his legs to build up speed. The cloaked figures behind him were getting closer by the second. He turned and ran into what seemed to be a force field. He was flung backwards and hit a rock, cutting his leg. There were five trees in front of him and in the middle of them all was a girl. He'd recognized her face the minute he saw her. She was in his level at Foxfire, level six. For some reason she was holding a swan. A black swan. He wanted to ask her why, but no words escaped his mouth. The girl released the swan which flew at Jax. His eyes widened in surprise, a bright light erupted all around them and-

Jax woke up and fell out of bed. His face was dripping with sweat and he was panting. Damn, he thought, that was a weird dream.

He shrugged it off and walked to the bathroom, looking at his bare chest in the bathroom mirror. There were long scars across it. His father beat him when he was upset. He shuddered and his eyes turned hard and seemed to be cold as ice. His father. Jax had doubted he could even pass for a father with the way he had treated his son.

He turned the shower on and stripped free of the rest of his clothes. After stepping into the shower he leaned his head back, letting the cool water wash over his face. Twenty minutes later he got out and quickly dressed into black pants and a deep blue tunic. He sat on his bed and pulled his boots on. After doing so, he looked into his mirror and artfully styled his already perfect hair.

His mother yelled from downstairs, "Jax, you need to hurry if you'd like to make it to school on time!" He huffed in frustration. They'd never yelled at his sister Astrid to hurry up and come down.

"I'm coming!" He yelled back.

Jax slowly came down the stairs to annoy his mother and took a sip of his sister's Lushberry juice sitting on the table.  Astrid came down the stairs and swatted the back of his head, "That's mine asshole."

"Language." Jax's father said from the other room. Their house wasn't quite as big as other elves. Still, it was better than most human houses.

Astrid walked over to their dad and kissed his cheek "Sorry." She batted her perfect eyes and he smiled, forgiving her immediately.

Jax entered the great room, rolling his eyes at his sisters charm. He looked at the Leapmaster 5000, "Foxfire!" He yelled. The minute crystals spun around until one dropped down ever so slightly and created a path of light. Astrid and Jax stepped into the beam and they were whisked away by the light. It was time for one of his most dreaded mandatory activities, school. It was the first day since summer break. "Well, let's see how shitty this day is..." He grumbled as they glittered into their forms in front of the gigantic school.

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