Chapter 2

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"Hey Astrid!" Jax turned to see one of Astrid's friends, Rowan, run over to them. One of her feet fell through the ground, she was still getting used to being a Phaser. Jax, a Vanisher, chuckled at this. It was funny how she still couldn't control it. He guessed he shouldn't laugh though, he can't control the way he blinks in and out of sight when he walks. Astrid sent a gust of wind under Rowan, picking her up so she could gain her footing. The two sinlings inherited their parents abilities. Their dad being a Vanisher and mother a Guster. Rowan tackled her in a hug while Jax rolled his eyes. A few more of her friends came over and flanked her on all sides.

Jax walked into Foxfire alone and looked around. He had to admit, over the summer he had really changed. He was now 6' 4", his hair had gotten lighter from the sun, his eyes of course were still the same striking royal blue, and he had definitely gotten more fit.

He scanned the crowd for his friends, waiting for opening ceremonies to start. He spotted some familiar figures and waved them over. His best friends were all huddled together in a separate corner. As soon as they spotted Jax they headed over to the boy. The first one to make it there was Luka. He was almost as tall as Jax, had jet black hair, icy blue eyes, and was a Telepath. Jax had always been jealous of his ability, but of course he wouldn't tell him that. Luka was pretty much a clone of Jax. They both have street smarts not book smarts, and they're also...let's just use the word obnoxious, sometimes.

Luka shoved Jax playfully and smirked, "What's up dude? It's been too long."

Jax rolled his eyes and shoved him back, "It's not my fault you didn't visit at all this summer."

Luka shrugged, "And it's not my fault your parents wouldn't let me!"

Side by side came Dani and Reilly, gracefully dodging the people around them. Dani is a Hydrokinetic and Reilly a Froster. These two are the polar opposites of each other, yet they're twins. Even though twins are shamed in the Elvin world, there were few who didn't like this couple. Dani is short, kind of bulky, has chestnut colored hair and blue-grey eyes, and absolutely hates school. Reilly basically has it all. She's a tall, skinny blonde, has bright blue eyes, and loves absolutely nothing more than school. She's also very athletic and has the most connections throughout the school. If anyone needed dirt on someone, she's who they'd go to.

Dani glanced up at Jax and smiled. She wasn't very talkative so he just smiled back and gave her a little salute. Reilly on the other hand rushed up and gave him a hug, "Look who got all tall and handsome!" She smiled. Their relationship was purely platonic, so Jax laughed and hugged her back.

Luka looked around at the group, "We're back and better then ever. Foxfire better watch out this year, I can practically see the detentions already."

Reilly flipped her hair, "I've never gotten a detention in my life, so don't get me caught up in your little shenanigans."

Dani nodded a silent agreement with her sister. Jax chuckled, "Alright, I'll make sure all of my epic pranks are pinned on me. Maybe Luka too."

Dani shook her head, "You boys will never grow up..." They all laughed lightly at Dani's comment. Most of the words that managed to escape her mouth were usually bashing Jax and Luka, but her intentions were harmless.

Reilly turned to Luka, "Oh! I almost forgot, w-" She was interrupted by their principal, Master Prin. His face flashed across the wall and his voice boomed, echoing all over the grand room.

"Welcome back students! I hope you all had a wonderful summer, but now it's time for the work to begin." He scanned the faces in the crowd, "A few announcements before I allow you all to go to your classes. Level Fours, there are twelve of you who haven't manifested yet. That's twelve too many. In your schedules you'll see that we have extra periods of help for you prodigies."

There were several groans and looks of embarrassment around the room. "Final announcement. We have decided for some Level Six's who excel in their abilities to be paired together for their ability classes. The following will report to their classes together. Estee Riggs and Tomar Banks, Technopaths..." He listed off a few more names before Jax heard his own. "Jaxton Reece and Alivia Brooks, Vanishers."

Jax shook his head at the use of his full name. Reilly elbowed him, "Who's Alivia?" His brows furrowed, "I have no clue...Maybe she's hot."

Dani rolled her eyes, "Again, you'll never grow up." Luka chuckled and faced towards Master Prin again. "Okay students, that's all for today." His face flashed away in a bright light.

"Well, I'll see you all after school. My place for a sleepover." Reilly giggled and waved, walking to her first class with Dani and Luka since they were close together. Jax had to walk to the opposite side of the building, first was his class with this Alivia character.

About two minutes after the bell rang, he arrived to the room. "How nice of you to join us Mr. Reece." Came a high pitched voice from across the room. Jax shrugged, "Better late than never."

He watched as a thin, stern looking woman came into view and sighed. "As I have already told your partner, I am Lady Austreen. For thi-"

Jax interrupted her, "Where is this 'partner' of mine by the way."

A girl with wavy light brown hair, beautiful sky blue eyes, and absolutely striking features stepped out from behind a table. "Right here...I'm Liv." She slowly held out her hand for him to shake. "I-it's nice to meet you. Jaxton, right?"

Jax took her hand, his face pale. This was the girl from his dream. "Yeah, yeah. But, um, you can call me Jax." He stared at her intently. What the hell was going on? This was definitely her but...why was she the one who saved him in the dream?

Liv blushed at how the boy was staring at her. She slowly released his hand, "Well, I-"

Lady Austreen clapped once, "Okay, introductions are over!" She walked over to the biggest chair in the room and sat down, motioning for them to sit in front of her. "In our sessions, I hope to help you two form a link."

Liv tilted her head, puzzled. She glanced at Jax nervously. "What kind of link?" She asked quietly.

"This link will allow you two to see each other when you're vanished as well as strengthen your ability as Vanishers. It's as if you'll be cognates actually. To do so, you must trust each other with your lives. Clearly, this will take a lot of time and training. It most likely won't even happen in this school year." Lady Austreen explained.

"Hold on, why are we even doing this? I mean, why do we need to create this link to be able to see each other when we're vanished." Jax crossed his arms. It would be kind of cool, but he didn't see why it was necessary.

She nodded patiently, "Well, as your instructor, I am here to make sure your powers are used to the best of your ability. You both already excel at using your vanishing skills, this will just improve them even more."

Liv and Jax looked at each other for a moment before the girl whispered, "Okay. Let's do it then."

Lady Austreen nodded, satisfied. "We begin, now."

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