Chapter 6

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Layla leaves me countless messages all day. But I don't want to talk to anyone...

I'm well aware I was over reacting, but I was humiliated and a little heart broken. I had a crush on this kid for years. And now I doubt we can even be friends without him thinking of me as one of his little followers.


That night my dad noticed I was acting a little off. "You wanna talk about it?" He asks me. He knows me better than anyone.

"Kinda" I reply vaguely

"I'm listening," he smiles. In response I tell him everything, but leave out the details about me cutting. But I do tell him about my attempt of suicide.

He looks at me with comfort in his eyes as I began to cry. He slowly walks over to me and hugs me.

"Are you SURE you don't want to go back to therapy?" I consider this for a moment.

" I really need those meds, don't I?" I begin to cry again.

I'm fucking mad in a crazy way.

My father and mother really didn't want me to take meds, but lately my dad was really suggesting them.

He nods his head in response to my question.

"I'll call Connie tomorrow and make you an appointment." His eyes look to me as if looking for approval.

"Okay," I squeak

After our chat some one rings the door bell.

"I GOT IT," I yell. I open it to see Layla with a bag in her hand. We did this often showed up with a bag and that was like is saying. I'm saying over. I smile at her as in giving her permission to stay the night.

"Is that Layla?" My dad asked.

"Sure is!"

"Hey Toni!" Layla greeted. My dad walked around the corner and out of the kitchen with a warm smile. Layla was basically apart if the family so he huges her, and with out a doubt has no problem with her staying over.


After my father took Layla and I to the store to get comfort food we enter my room. Hands full of Ben and Jerry's, candy, and Oreos. Most of the time I was on a diet but I always made exceptions when Layla and I wanted to just watch our favorite show (AHS) and talk about our feelings.

Once we get settled Layla beings talking about Tyler. I roll my eyes and she touches my shoulder comforting. So, I grab the container of Ben and Jerrys Smores and stuff my face.

" He look like he felt awful when you left." she said

" Oh, I bet," I said with my mouth full of ice cream.

She takes a scoop of her ice cream eats it. nodding her head back and forth before continuing. 

" He was also the first one to dart up out of his seat to see where you went," she giggled and took another bite " Alexandra looked pissed when he started to run after you, but I stopped him thinking you needed some space.." She was right I needed my space I probably would of been to upset to talk to him. But when she said it couldn't help but blush.

One question stirred inside me and made me clench my jaw. "Why the hell was Alex there any way?"

Layla hesitates and then look me in the eye. My face reddens as her eyes fill with concern. 

"Just say it, and get it over with," I grumble and fall back into my pillow.

She clears her throat and sits up a little. "Tyler and Alex are a.. item." 

The thought of them together makes me sick again. Alex's laughter from the daze comes back into my head. And Tyler's words hit me full force. The feeling of rejection from some one you like is paining. 

I shrug and pretend I'm unphased by the news. 

"I figured," I mange to sigh. "Is it okay if we don't talk about this anymore? I'd rather not dwell on it."

She nods and smiles. "Sounds like a plan." 

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