The Show

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Hayley's pov:
It was the night of March 3, 2017. I was planning on seeing Panic! At The Disco for the 3rd time. All I can remember from that night was Brendon Urie calling my name. Hayley! Hayley! Are you okay? I wasn't okay. I was anything but okay.

Let's take this back to the night of the show. I had just bought some popcorn and soda from some guy who looked familiar. I just couldn't make out who he was. I made my way down to the floor for the show. I ate all my popcorn. I opened my soda. The band began to play and I began to drink the soda. I felt... dizzy. I felt... tired, almost like I couldn't control my actions. Then, I fell. "Hey grab that girl falling in the barricade!" He shouted to Zach. "What's her name?" My friend shouted "H-h-Hayley" I was slowly   loosing       my   vision... I blacked out.

The last thing I remember of that night was Zach carrying me to a stretcher, and Brendon calling my name. Stopping the whole show... for me.

When I got to the hospital, it was midnight. The show was over 2 hours ago. I looked around the room... I saw friends and family surrounding me. Then I peeked behind my brother... and there was Brendon. I wanted to spring out of my hospital bed and hug him so tight. But all that happened was I jerked up and slammed back down against the bed. Brendon walked closer. I sprung up again and managed to hold myself up. "B-b-brend-o-n"
Brendon smiled at me. "I-I-you-we-I..." I attempted to spit out some words. "It's okay." Brendon smiled and said quietly. The doctor walked in. "Please" the doctor gestured everyone to exit. "L-let him sta-y" I mumbled. The doctor allowed Brendon to stay. "I believe you were poisoned. We have people investigating the case. Whoever was working at the venue sold you a poisoned soda." "Oh" I said in surprise. Somebody poisoned me? But who?

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