Just Sit Back

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Hayley's pov:
    I woke up in someone's car. I peeked in front of the seat to see a man driving me somewhere.  I passed my house. Where was he taking me?

"Welcome to my home." He said. I looked around. I was at the home of Ryan Ross. "Just sit back" Ryan said to me. He pulled me into the bedroom. "No, no, I can't! Don't do this to me I'm too..." Ryan pulled me into the bed and began. He was on top of me. I was using all of my strength to push him away. He put his mouth on mine so I couldn't make any noise. He was slowly taking off my clothes and I was pulling them back on. Ryan Ross... was  abusing me. I attempted to scream but I couldn't. I couldn't breathe. I was trapped. I finally managed to scream. And who came in the door? Brendon. "GET OFF OF HER YOU IDIOT" he shouted. He yanked Ryan off of me and Ryan grabbed my bag. He threw it down the stairs. "This was no accident." Brendon said to Ryan. Brendon grabbed me and my bag and drove me to his house. "Wanna sit down?" He offered and pointed to the couch. I sat down. "What did he do to you?" Asked Brendon. I told him the story. "I know who poisoned you... Ryan Ross." I began to cry. Brendon comforted me. He told me stories about
Unfinished chapter

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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