The News

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Lefou felt betrayed.

His best friend almost turned against him, he lead a mob out to kill a beast that was really a prince, and he abandoned him when he needed him.

After the ball he went home, even though dancing with Stanley was fun he was just a good friend that was there to help him feel better.

But how could he be happy? It's been four days since the battle at the castle and two days since the ball.

Lefou knew he shouldn't morn forever on Gaston's death but the pain was still there.

Him and Gaston had been through everything together, as kids Lefou grew up without his father who he lost to the plague and learned to sew and cook from his mother.
Gaston had both his parents but his father was strict on making sure he was the best at everything hunting, wrestling, and most importantly how to attract a future wife.

Gaston saved him from bullies and bullets but something was different about him the last few days of his life.

He seemed angrier and more reckless, but when Belle claimed he was a monster that drove him over.

He always told me he never wanted to be like his father cold, cruel, a monster.

So he went to the castle to prove to Belle and everyone he wasn't the monster, he was a hero.

I didn't blame him even when I felt guilty for leaving Maurice tied in the woods.

But when I called for him, asked for his help he left me.

Left because being a hero was more important than his best friend.

I sat down staring at the fire as I drank a beer to numb the pain, that's when I heard a knock at the door.

I put the mug down on the table and stumbled over to the door, when I opened it Mrs. Potts was standing there with a coat wrapped around her shoulders.

Surprised I was about to ask her to come in to get out of the cold but when I open my mouth she interrupted me.

"Belle and Adam called for you at the castle they need to speak with you," she said.

I nodded, " I'll get Magnifique ready," I said, I stepped out and shut the door behind me and before I could make my way to the stables Mrs.Potts stopped me, "No need dear we can walk from here," she said in her soft grandma like voice.

I nodded again and followed her to the castle, on the way there I asked, "Why do they need me?"

Mrs.Potts shook her head, "I don't think I should be the one to tell you dear."

When we reached the castle  Mrs.Potts lead me into the library where I was greeted by Adam and Belle.

I looked down at my feet, "Your majesties," I looked back up to Belle and she smiled at me, "No need for that Lefou come sit down there's something we need to tell you."

We sat down at a big brown table with Belle and Adam sitting across from me, "Well I'll leave you to it then," Mrs.Potts said as she shut the library doors.

I looked at Adam and Belle for an explanation for why I was there and they looked at each other as if deciding who should tell me the mysterious news.

"Belle?" I asked becoming impatient she looked over to me and put her hands on the table, "Lefou over the pass few days you'v proven great help here in the castle you cooked with the chefs for the ball, you helped cleaned up afterwards, and your a great loyal friend to us." Belle said.

Still confused she went on, "and I know you and Gaston were close." I nodded, we were always close we grew up together, fought in a war together, everything we did was together.

"We brought you here to tell you that...well he's..." Belle didn't finish so Adam did, "He's alive" my heart stopped.

My jaw fell, no he couldn't be alive after a fall like that there's no way. But yet deep down inside I knew what they were tell me was true.

After letting this new information process in my brain I asked, "Where.....where is he?" Belle wasn't quick to respond, "He's currently being treated by the doctor but you can go see him if you want."

I sat still trying to think would I want to see him I mean after falling from a great hight he can't look well, but I do miss him greatly.

Thinking carefully I nodded Belle and Adam got up and I followed them out of the library.

We walked down a long hallway pass the ball room and stopped at a door, "He's in there," I felt myself slightly shaking scared to see if Gaston really was alive.

I pressed my hand on the door, "How'd you find him?" I asked looking back to them, "A few of my servants were out for a walk when they stumbled upon him." Adam said.

I swallowed hard and opened the door with a shaky hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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