Sequel : He came home

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Tsuna nearly cried. His friends lecture almost turns him deaf. perhaps they have forgotten the fact that he's still hospitalized. Just as soon as the doctor told them that it's okay to visit, they all came and began to rant over his foolishness.

He thought that it might be a good idea if he can go for another coma or just simply forced to do 20 sacks of paperwork instead of listening all of this, just to be repeated all over again by the other.

Just this morning, Dino came and after he handed him a bouquet of white lilies, he began to lecture him about Trusting family.

Next to come is Yuni and Byakuran... The two skies lectured him about depending others and try to be selfish for once...

And now, his own guardians are lecturing him for not taking care of himself.

Ae had enough...

And so, acting childish he pouted and puffed his cheeks.

"I get it... I get it... I'm wrong for doing everything by myself" 'It's not like I have any other option' "I'm so sorry... now, can't you just forgive me this once?" He whined, tired of everything.

After some moments of eye conversation, Gokudera sighed, "Very well then... I guess we'll let it pass this time, as long you promised us not to do that kind of thing. Ever. Again. Promise?"

Tsuna looked down as if he just got scolded by his mom... well technically he had been, but by his guardians.

"Please understand us, Tsuna... If we actually lose you back then, and the same thing happened like what our parallel self gone through... we... we just don't know what to do..." Yamamoto said grimly as he remembers about Parallel Tsuna's death on that future arc. Everyone did. and the sad look in their face makes Tsuna felt even guiltier.

"I... I understand..." he muttered still looking down.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour before... I was just scared. I don't want to lose any of my family anymore... losing them is hard enough to me... I was really scared... I thought that it'll be the best if I'm the only one that suffer... I'm truly sorry..." Tsuna said without him noticing he's already sobbing. something that he never does ever since he took the mantle. Not even at their funeral.

The guardians weren't expecting this to happen. But I guess, Tsuna has been strong for far too long. He always bottling his emotions for the sake of the family without him noticing he's slowly breaking...

"Sorry... I shouldn't have crying on the first place. I just can't help it. It hurts too much... when I lose them... when I know that they've gone and I can't even get to see their bodies for they are the only ones that missing on that plane crash... I-I... It's just too much..." Tsuna cried in silence.

Chrome as the first one that snapped from the shock, she hugged Tsuna to comfort him. "There, There, Tsuna-san... It's alright to cry... you don't have to keep it to yourself. You can share it to us, our family..." she whispered soothingly next to his ears. It finally breaks the dome... Tsuna cried out loud, letting his painful heart to scream it all out.

One by one, his friends approaching him also, hugging him as if- no, they are willingly to take all of their sky's sorrow. Taking all of their pain that tainted his innocence as possible as they could...

That night, Tsuna can finally asleep peacefully with a beautiful dream. something that he hadn't had for a while...



as soon as he got charged out, Tsuna asked his family to get him to the graves of his beloved ones. Then with 4 bouquet of flowers, they went to the said place.

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