Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

Kendall's POV:

The six girls carried anything out of the boat that they could use. I still kept the thought in my head hoe no one could find this place after you've been here.

It's an island. I mean, it can't disappear in a few hours. So i asked the girls about it.

Mackenzie asked what state we were in. Technically, we were in the water, but i answered with South Carolina.

They all stopped moving and their faces turned pale.

"I think we all figured it out now." Paige says.

I'm confused.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head to the left.

"When we got lost , we were in Lake Erie by Penssylvania. We're from Pittsburgh. This island must move." Paige shrugs, and starts moving life jackets and rafts around to make a huge bed.

"This is not possible. An island can't move!" I exclaim and run out of the cave.

"Where are you going?" Brooke shouts behind me. I spin around.

"To wait on the beach, for my dad, like he told me to. He WILL be back for me." I say and storm back to the beach.

I sit on the sand with my arms wrapped around my knees. Hours pass of me sitting, pacing , and waiting for my dad to come back for me. But he doesn't.

The sun falls, and i'm left here alone with just my thoughts an the moon. I hear footsteps and turn around, hoping my dad came on the wrong end of the island and was looking for me all day.

But i was wrong, Like i have been this entire day. Its Maddie. She sits down next to me and sighs.

"You know, it would be better for both of us for you to come back and stay in the cave. You won't be able to live on you're own." Maddie looks at the sand.

"You guys are really nice, buy i told my dad i would stay here to wait for him. And i know that he's gonna come back for me."

I say confidently and look at the reflection of the moon on the water.

"Kendall , he's not, this island is moving as we speak. We have been missing for two months. They're not coming back for us." Maddie whispered.

"I can't let you do this to yourself. You're gonna come back with us and live with us. Even if they do find us, we can't starve to death."

I think Maddie's right.

"Ok fine."

I get up and walk back to the cave.




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