Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

Kendall's POV :

It rains for days. We are almost out of food and currently out of water.

"Alright. Three of us go out to get more fruit and water. Volunteers only." Brooke says after she stood up.

I shrug and raise my hand. It shouldn't be that hard. Brooke, Nia, and I go out in the rain. We take our clothes off so they don't get wet. But we have our swim suits on still.

"K. Run." Brooke says at the entrance of the cave.

I sprint out of the cave, rain pelting my skin with needles. I go to retrieve the water. I carefully run with the now full bucket back to the gave to collect the water bottles. I fill them all to the brim and run back. Brooke and Nia have come back with the fruit.

"Few. That rain needs to calm down." I chuckle at my own joke and grab a towel. I'm shivering from the rain. I wait for my swim suit to dry before I put my clothes on again.

"Ok guys, drink up." I say and yawn.

Everyone runs over to drink from their water bottle. I lay onto the raft and cover myself with the blanket. Before I fall asleep, I yawn one more time.


"Kendall, wake up." Maddie said as she shook me awake.I stretched my arms and sat up. "Is the storm over?" I ask no one in particular.

"Yep. I've never seen the sun brighter." Maddie answered.I get up and stretch my legs.

"I think we should look in the water for anything we can use. Since it just rained, there's gotta be a ton of stuff down their." I suggest.

They agree and we walk to the beach. I hand each of them a pair of goggles and we dive I to the water. I search around for a while until I see something sparkling. Once I get closer, I realize that it's a necklace probably from the early 1900s.

There was a small rose that was a little faded and on the back of it there was a mirror. I smile and swim back to the surface. I place it on my neck and swim back down. There's nothing else around in this area so I go back to the beach to take a break. The other things everyone else found was an old fishing net, a diamond ring, a flip phone (it doesn't work, we've tried), and a plastic bucket a child used to make a sand castle. The group found a few more things then we headed back. I was so tired I fell asleep again on the raft.


this wasnt much but if you liked it you are my queen.

(ps: next chapter is the last one omg)

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