Chapter 1

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Ok before I start telling you about this or specifically, part of my drama in school, I'm just going to start the story off by introducing myself. My name is Hayem Gray. I know right? What kind of mom or dad would allow such a crappy name be their daughter's. I have two younger siblings who don't give a shit about me doing their own thing. I deeply apologize if I'm starting this story off with such strong words. Anyways, let's begin.
I was born during my parents honeymoon which means my mom got pregnant before they were married. That's what we call a honeymoon baby. My parents shortly after moved to America to start a new life for me and themselves. But let's skip all that and get to the interesting part.
This all starts in fourth grade when my parents were in debt. We got kicked out of our apartment and had to live in a tiny car for a while. Can you imagine a family of five all squished up in a tiny kia car? Even I can't reimagine that. A few weeks after, my dad opened up a martial arts studio to earn money and get an actual home for us. I trained with my sisters 24/7 to master martial arts to help out my dad with his business. A few months after, I got a black belt. And no, I did not cheat my way through it. During that time, my grades were crap and I was a loner in school who would follow kids around desperate for friends and nobody gave a shit. After my experience in fourth grade I decided to be the toughest in school and that I don't take anyone's crap.
Middle school became a total failure with that plan. I was known as this complicated girl who was a wannabe badass mixed with rich girl and also mixed with a wannabe hoe. I started liking almost all the guys in school and flirted with them which weirded them out a lot. During middle school, I made a best friend, a traitor, and a backstabber who are all the same person. This girl is Katy. She brought along a girl and we became an unbreakable trio. That other girl also became a friend, backstabber, and traitor too. Her name is Mary. This drama is partially my fault too but they were the ones who truly lost my trust in everyone. Mary first talked to me about Katy that she was way to cocky and that we need to talk to her. I told it is true and that maybe we should. Mary talked to Katy about what I said and excluded herself from this story. They talked over the phone for an hour they said discussing about confronting me with my gossiping problems. After their confrontation, Katy told me it was all Mary's fault. So, you be the judge of that.
So now, for the best part....high school. We're starting with freshman year. I thought that this is the time where I get a fresh start like from the movies but that appears to be all bullshit. My first day starts of great, made new friends, hanging out with a group where they actually support me, and have great teachers. A month later, a boy named Tyler shows up and talks to me. I'm weirded the fuck out asking myself, "Who the fuck is this boy?". Next day, he talks to me again and I start thinking, "Maybe I can dig that. He's cute". He asked me out right before break and guess what I hear from him during that time. No damn shit. The only thing I hear is that this cocky ass.... whew. Sorry about that, need a second to relax. Anyways, I hear that he likes this girl who has been flirting with him for quite a while now and after that I just dumped him in the acquaintance zone (not even sure if there is one for that but fuck it).
I had to recover from that infuriating issue but it was all taken care of once I called him the ugliest piece of shit I've ever taken and that I don't know why I thought that a turd was cute. Some people after these issues would say something like, "I don't think I can date for a long time after this whole chaos", but what I think after this is, "Time to find a new man, and new piece of meat that I can chew on". I got put into PE now that my sport season is over. In PE, I see this cute ass boy who looks like a fucking k-pop star playing basketball. His name is Sammy. I have heart all over my eyes and my friends know it. I go up to him and I join in playing basketball with him. People noticed it fast and and the end of the week Sammy finds out because of some stupid cunt who couldn't keep his mouth shut. There were only two words that came out of my mouth, "Oh shit". It's the weekend and the chaotic two-day panic attack began.

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