My Little Princess (part-1)

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Assalamualiakum people I know you people might get bored start mai intro n phir intro ok so lets just get started


A girl who is sleeping peacefully seeing a beautiful dream with a smile playing on her lips and someone seeing her n uttering thousands of allahumdulliah under his breath to see such a blissful sight n the girl open her eyes to see the most important person of her life "dad good morning." n sees her dad narrowing his eyes

Ok sorry dad Assalamualiakum dad I mean abu

Good My little Princess dad said happily

Dad u know na I hate that little word yeah I know im ur princess but not little im 17 a teenager u know I said angrily to which I only heard laughter which was echoing in my room

God why always dad do this when ever I act as if im angry his laughter can really make me happy when im very low yeah I know I can't even be sad when my dad is beside me I came out of my zone when dad called me for 10th tym I just muttered allahumdulliah before jumping on my father just like one year old girl

He just took me in his secure arms n making me feel lyk this is only the thing which I need if I would get a chance to make a last wish

Oh very bad yr family moment without me mom said coming into room

Dad see someone is jealous seeing you with me I said laughingly and dad joined me in my laughter

Mom rolled her eyes n folding her hands on her chest acting as if she is angry

Princess u know someone can't even act good to which we started laughing again

Ok ok whatever breakfast is ready go freshn up siha n come down quickly ur getting late to ur college mom said in serious tone to which I just followed her command lyk n innocent child n dad went with mom to leave for meeting

I was ready in just 20 min n came down to have breakfast n was seeing the most romantic sight my dad feeding mom laughing smiling lyk they got everything yeah they have everything because they have me;) but somewhere in my heart I was wishing that my husband should also just be like my dad n muttering numerous allahumdulliah for such sweet family dad saw me standing lyk statue near stairs n said baby plz breakfast jaldi karo we are getting late dad said while getting up

Dad umm I actually wan wanted to say ki

God princess fast we r getting late y r u stammering

Dad today I wanted to go with my friend can I go I said in one go

Dad stood still for some seconds and told ok

Yeppi dad I love you I knew it u will grant me permission to go with my friend I hugged dad n started wearing my ayaba I don't tie niqab but dad always wanted me to wear one n I heard horn for 100th tym I think it was alina my bestie my third love um yes I forgot my first love is offcourse my dad yeah I know my mom is also my first love n second um its secret n third alina I came out of my house n rushed into the car pushing all my thoughts out of my mind

Entered the car saying sorry before alii (alina ) could react

I know guys it was boring cuz it was just a start n hope u enjoy my story plz do comment

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