Part 34

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Ahaan's pov

God! what did I thought and what was it

Ah zea is always right I react very fast shera is her brother god how can I? 

Hm think so god is with me this time I will not lose anything

I will definitely get back my siha

Pov ends

"Dad she's not in her room I have literally searched every corner of the mansion she's not there. " shera said keeping his tone calm but tension in his voice was clearly visible

"Hmm." was all Mr Yadullah replied

"Dad are you listening siha is missing." shera raised his voice in anger

"Calm down my son, siha will come back and party was really good I mean great job done by you." Mr Yadullah complimented

Shera wasn't understanding why was Mr Yadullah behaving like that

"Dad are okay I mean siha is not at home and you're talking about party like really." shera said in disbelief

"Shera stop it, please she is not a kid anymore."

"Now we need to leave her on her own; in future we may not be there with her to protect her, she needs to learn it and please don't go and start searching her for god sake." Mr Yadullah said strictly

"I really don't know what has happened to you." shera said angrily and left


"I really don't know zyva why dad is behaving like this can you believe siha is missing her car is here only and dad saying me not to search her." shera said angrily hitting his hand to the almirah

"Shera are you getting any solution by hurting your self, please stop behaving like kid." zyva said angrily "Yeah how can I forget it's shera he must definitely behave like immature right." Zyva taunted  

Shera left the room


In the Park

Siha was sitting on the bench and crying looking at those dark heavens and talking to her Lord Allah swt

Allah miya you know dad always tell me "The only one who knows best for you is Allah (swt). You're in good hands if you put all your trust in him."

I really trust you Allah miya that's the only reason I'm not backing out of this marriage

I will definitely marry him but I hope my prayers have reached you, from that attack till now I only prayed you to give back my fahad

Please Allah miya give him back to me please siha said crying hysterically

All of sudden rain started falling siha didn't move from her place it was freezing cold but she didn't move

A light fallen on siha's face

Siha looked up and saw shera coming

Shera came and sat beside her on the bench

"Did you see the time dear its nearing fajar come lets go home you're all wet." shera said with a smile he knew siha has already cried her out but he was wrong

Siha started crying again but this time in the arms where she was secure which was her safest place where she can be weak and no one will judge her

"Sihaaa. Stop crying please I know you must be continously crying from three hours." shera said in concern cuz he didn't see this vulnerable part of siha anytime bcuz siha always created an outer wall of I'm strong I can handle anything

"Shera how do you every time reach me when I need you." siha asked still sobbing but this time her voice was really innocent

"Cuz you're my heart beat dear I can find you from anywhere on the earth, you're my sister how can I not find you?" Shera said still hugging

"You know shera yesterday I got a letter from fahad I did not understand how to react I don't know whether it was actually from fahad or not."

"You know I love him even dad know I love him phir b why did you do." siha asked sobbing

"Dear first of all get in the car. I will get some water for you. " shera said

Hmm drink some water

"Thanks shera."

"Siha get in we have to leave now and hope you remember tomorrow afternoon we have flight to catch." shera said

"Oh forgot but I need to talk to you. You didn't answer my question shera why did you do this." siha asked

"Im with dad cuz he thinks that if you get married to Ahaan you will be happy dear and I couldn't say him no that's the only reason."

"I have to make one thing clear I also want you to get married to Ahaan dear." shera explained patiently

"Shera you know I'm ready to marry him I know he's not my fahad but yeah I'll will definitely marry him." siha said her eyes were swollen her nose was red but her expression showed this marriage will definitely end up like a crap she replied in mocking tone 

"Siha please do not hurt yourself in this." shera pleaded

"Shera you need not worry I will not hurt myself and this is my promise." siha said with cryptic determination

"Okay come let's go home siha." shera said and drove her away

Shera's pov

I really want siha to be happy that's all but I can't trust Ahaan Ahmed cuz there are many reasons why Ahaan wants to marry my sister

I don't know why dad is forcing siha to marry Ahaan he never do that

I have to find out the reason as soon as possible


Mr Yadullah's pov

I know I'm hurting you siha but I know Fahad is the only one who could keep you happy and do anything for you

Yeah I can't take the risk with your life so I have to do this.....

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