Part 12

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Assalamualiakum sheraa I said excitedly

Waliakum asalam dear how come you're here shera asked

See dad he can never behave politely I said

Shera what's this she missed her lectures just for you n u r saying this very rude dad said

To which I smiled brightly

Ah siii it wasn't needed shera said

God this man can never behave properly sii said frowning

Okay okay sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I was just saying why did you miss your classes that's all shera said

Bcuz u r coming with us to home n no more arguments your room is ready dad said ordering

But sir how can I stay with you I mean no male worker is allowed right shera said

Um yes no male worker is allowed but shera you are our family n how can I lose you

You are the shield of my daughter in my absence

I can trust you n I know you will never break it

U can risk ur lyf hundredth times if my daughter is in danger n this can only be done by family not a mere worker

So stop calling your self a worker got it dad said with a smile

Okay sir shera said with tears in his eyes

Dad now we should leave we are getting late I said

Ok sii u take shera to the car n I'll complete all the paperwork dad said leaving

Shera was on wheel chair I took him towards the car n dad came after 5mins n we left I was happy ki shera is back


I came to hospital to meet Mr Yadullah but stopped near parking n saw siha laughing with shera this site was killing me from inside

I couldn't imagine siha with others

I just left the place without meeting Mr Yadullah

I don't know what was happening to me I just couldn't control myself


Assalamualiakum bhaijaan u came so early zea asked

Ahaan didn't even reply to her salam n directly went to his room

Which rarely happens

Zea what happened to Ahaan amina asked

Um I don't know I think something happened in office

but hope bhaijaan's mood will be alright soon said zea

Hope so amina said


Assalamualiakum alii I wished

Waliakum asalam dear alii said

U know shera is back to home n I can see much improvement in his health I said excitedly

Masahallah this is a great news siii I'm happy alii said

Me too

Okay lets run cuz next class has already started n we are late to the  class I hope it's not Mrs Iyer's class sii said

Hmm me too aliii said n started running


U know shera I'm thinking we must shift to US cuz in a month siha will complete her 2nd year n she could continue her studies there dad said

Um I don't think so sir cuz running away from the problems will not end them

Instead we should face them cuz some or the other day we will face them right shera said

But this is not the right time siha couldn't bear all this

I don't want siha to suffer she has already suffered she lost her teenage she didn't spend it lyk how others of her age do she can't even go alone anywhere dad said with a disappointment

I understand sir but this is not the solution shera said

Then what should I do I'm helpless shera I really want to end this

But I don't know when all this is going to end dad said

Sir have faith in Allah (swt) everything gonna end soon

Cuz we plan n he also plan n he is the best plannner

Shera said

Hope so dad said


I was just in no mood to talk but mom called me n informed me that she wants to meet me

To which I just said Ok

Then I'll message you the place n time mom said disconnecting the call



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