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"Do you smoke?" She got asked by a slightly shorter male, a year older than her.

Stopping to think for a second, she replied "No, i don't like cigarettes". The male chuckled, shaking his head. "Not cigarettes," he said, "pot".

The girl hesitantly nodded. "Occasionally." she worded. Occasional for her meant 2 times total in her entire lifetime.

She was sure that she must've been used to it by now, being pretty sure it never affected her, as it never did in the past.

The boy proceeded to ask her if she wanted to join him near the lake after dinner. She shrugged, saying "Why not?" and continued talking to him as she was before, but now it was about drugs.

The girl had anxiety, yet she wasn't sure if her shaking until she smoked was from that. Maybe, it was the adrenaline of breaking rules, or maybe, she was just nervous, she didn't know what she was feeling.

After dinner, they headed to a lake. Neither of them really knew the environment they were in that well, since they were on a school trip, yet the boy knew enough to lead her to a lake where he was sure no cops would see them.

At first, they were going to go behind a school, yet it was a night of a football game and there were cops everywhere.

Smiling at her, he stated "Getting caught behind a school is horrible, but getting caught behind a school in a foreign country is even worse.". She awkwardly nodded, not knowing what to say, and just kept walking.

As they arrived, they sat down on a bench. Both of them were pretty cold, since they were in just jumpers and it was about 10-15 °C out, yet they didn't pay much attention to it. The view from the bench was amazing, the sky, covered in what she was sure were all the shades of red that exist.

She was extremely nervous and shaking, but on the way there, the male had already given an introduction of it to the girl, just in case.

He told her about the way he might start acting if he's super high and how she should stop him. She really wanted to, if it did happen, yet she had hoped it wouldn't happen, having a hunch that she would not be conscious, thinking about important things.

In most cases, pot is described as a drug most people get relaxed with, their senses heighten and they feel like they are on cloud nine. It is a way of relaxation and getting away from problems for the majority. She had, only once, along the way to there, doubted her previous experiences. Maybe it was really weak, or she just didn't know how to smoke or was too scared, yet she brushed off those thoughts very quickly.

This time, she decided she will go full out. No holding back, no boundaries, no being scared. She was really looking forward to relaxing, being in pure bliss, as most people described it.

Finally, after years and years of waiting, she would be able to be completely relaxed, maybe even come up with some genius ideas or weird foods she had watched Shane eat.

The boy had started rolling up a blunt, very carefully and slowly, to make it as pretty as possible. The girl didn't really get it. They'll smoke it anyways, why does it have to be pretty? 

She stopped her pointless thoughts and saw him take a couple hits, not rushed and not too slow, just enough.

She was nervous. When does she take it? Is he going to give it to her?

She was terrified by the thought of everything at that second, and she'd just hoped she'd relax in a couple of minutes, thanks to the drug in the boy's hand.

As he finally handed it to her, she took a weak hit. It felt like smoking a cigarette with a weird taste. After half a minute or so, she took another hit, this one being stronger which made her choke and cough out.

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