Chapter Three;

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// Ello loves~! <3 Chapter 3 is here! I hear so many people complaining about Alex-sempai not making a season three of GF... Am I the only one who was satisfied with the ending? I think the ending was cute and heartwarming. Oh well~ Guess some people are never happy. You may now continue! owo Don't forget to leave a comment!

I looked around the shelves, searching for the ingredients to make homemade bread. Sure, I could just buy Mancini's bread or pick up a loaf at the bakery, but I thought I could put my baking/cooking skills to good use.

Besides, it would be less fun that way! I can't complain now because I do make everything harder, heheh... 

Finally finding the flour, I put it in the shopping basket along with the lemons, strawberries, and the veggies and wheat that Waddles took a liking to.

Walking to the checkout counter, I noticed someone I certainly wasn't expecting to see.

"Wendy?! Is that you?"

The redhead turned to me and grinned, I could practically see the excitement and happiness in her eyes.

"Mabes? I didn't see you in forever! How are you and Dipstick doing?" She asked, ringing up my groceries.

"Haha, we're doing great! Dipper got accepted to his 'awesome' college over in Colorado. I'm proud of him!"

I smiled happily and handed her my credit card as she began to print out my receipt.

"That's awesome, man! I'm happy you two are getting on life sweetly. You should call me sometime and we could hangout." Wendy grinned and ruffled my hair after writing down her number and address on my receipt.

"Have a nice day Mabel! See ya around."

"Yeah! see you later, Wendy! Nice seeing you!" I picked up my bags and waved to her, showing myself out of the store. That definitely made my day! I'm happy to see that Wendy is doing pretty good and still living in Gravity Falls.

Well, better get home and start cooking!

~ ✧.・✿・.✧ ~

I arrived at the same location yesterday, seeing the blonde adult waiting against the boardwalk patiently. Was I late? He doesn't seem that angry. Huh... That's odd... He's in the water again.

I am really starting to think he never left the water... Weird enough, he doesn't expose anything below his belly. Maybe I am being paranoid, but what if he's like, half-snake or something! That would be really, really neat.

I quickly scurried down the hill, waving at Bill and calling out to him. At the sight of him, a wide beam spread across my face.

"Hiiii Bill!!"

I cooed happily and ran to the boardwalk, nearly stumbling into the water if it wasn't for Bill catching me.

"Woah, be careful, shooting star! You don't want to take a dip in the water, right?"

Bill asked, laughing a bit as he sat me back down on the rotting wood of the boardwalk. I watched him look up my body as if searching if I hurt myself. His soft green eyes looked into my chocolate brown ones in some excitement.

"Did you bring the human food? Did you? Please tell me you did!"

I ignored the comment of 'human food'. Laughing and gripping my stomach a bit, I nodded and wiped an imaginary tear away from my right eye.

"Yeah, yeah~ I did tell you I would bring it to you, blondie!"

I playfully added, pulling out my basket and handing it to him. I managed together a muffin, two slices of bread, a jar of lemonade, and sugar-coated strawberries.

Down By the River **MaBill**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora