Chapter Four;

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// Ello my children! >u< You're still reading this? :O Why- I'm sorry if these chappies are short, I'm trying! :') 1,000 words is so puny even for my awful skills! Idk why I'm even writing this fanfic- T OTALLY NOT TO GET THESE PLOT BUNNIES OUT OF MAH HEAD- Yeee it's totally that reason- Anyways, donut forget to comment your thoughts~! <3

I kept on seeing Bill for the next few days and I felt our friendship grow stronger and stronger. We know everything about each other, I'm not even kidding. He knows all my fears, weaknesses, flaws, talents, talents, likes, dislikes, everything. And I know everything about him. Well, almost everything.

I still feel like he's hiding things from me. But aside from that, I think life is going pretty great! I found out where Gideon lives-- Yes, you heard me right. I managed to become friends with Gideon. He still has a creepy obsession with me, but there's nothing I can do about that. I was always irresistible~

To add onto my happiness, my bro finished up college for the summer! Dipper said he would stay at my house at Gravity Falls until September. I figure that's when college starts back up. Guess what he's trying to be? A Paranormal Investigator! The job fits him so well, it doesn't even feel real.

He's supposed to be arriving tonight. I'm so excited!

It was a little short noticed... But that doesn't mean anything!

I'll have to tell Bill! Wendy and (maybe) Gideon will be psyched as well! Well, I don't know about Gideon.

Things change though, so who really knows?

I looked at the time and at my house. I made sure to clean my house up and prepare a room for Dipper. I'm sure he wouldn't want to share a room because that would be super awkward.

There were still a few hours to spare as I went upstairs to freshen myself up. Like I have been obsessed with sweaters in the past, I know have newfound obsession with sundresses.

I simply took off the faded dress I use for running errands, cleaning, or gardening and replaced it with a newer one I use for special occasions.

A roast was cooking in the oven along with a loaf of bread. A sudden thought crossed my mind.

What about Bill...? What am I going to do about him? I promised to visit him each day so he knows that I'm alright. And if Dipper finds out about Bill, he'll kill him! I couldn't live with that guilt...

I sighed a bit out of anxiety, exiting my house to pay Bill a visit and tell him about my problem.

After all, that was the only person I could rely on at times likes these.

~ ✧.・✿・.✧ ~

"Bill, I don't know even know what to do...! I want to see you... But Dipper will hurt you if he finds out.."

I murmured and buried my face into Bill's tan shoulder, feeling comforted just by his own very presence.

Yet I was still unsettled by how quiet he was being... Could he be angry? Oh gods... I really hope not.

"Shooting Star, it'll be fine. Don't worry! We'll think of something... How about this? We could meet once a week. Would that be better?"

Bill offered, giving a soothing smile that automatically wiped away my worries. I still didn't really enjoy the idea of seeing him once a week though. Call me selfish, I wanted to be with him as much as possible.. I am scared that if it's just once a week, he'll meet someone better than me.

"No... That's still too far apart, Bill! Can... Can we maybe do it, like- I don't know... Meet up at midnight? You said that mermaids are more active at night! So now, you can get some sleep as well!"

I could tell by Bill's face that he did not fancy that idea. I couldn't see why... He would be sleeping and I could see him everyday. Was I being selfish? No, it was for both of us. Great... Now I feel like I'm burdening him. Gah, stupid mind!! You're always overthinking everything! Knowing Bill, he probably cares less.

"That would be a good idea, but what about you getting sleep? Your health is important too and it will decline if you don't get your rest, Mabel."

If Bill said my full name, I knew him enough that he was either A: Angry, B: Concerned, or C: Serious. And I hated to see him using any of those three emotions. Especially the first one, it made me feel bad.

"Bill, I know. I will work something out, okay? I can do this, please..." I begged, looking into Bill's gorgeous green eyes. Those marvelous robs were filled with concern and hesitance.

"Shooting star, if you start falling ill, it's going to be once a week. Do you understand-" Bill was quickly cut off when I tackled him into a tight hug.

"Ooh~! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

I hugged him tightly, happiness once again consuming my whole and very being. I felt Bill chuckle and pat me on the back lightly.

"You're welcome, Mabes~ But just please remember to take care of yourself."

I nodded my head and checked my phone for the time, my eyes widening at the time.

"S-Shoot! Sorry Bill! I really got to go... See you tonight~?" I asked, mustering up a playful smile as he gently stroked the side of my face.

"I look forward to seeing you tonight, star~." Bill pulled away and lifted my chin up and wiped a thumb under my one eye, wiping away any straggling tears that were still in my eyes.

"Now, I hate to see you crying, darling. You can still see me and you won't be replaced. I promise you. Now run along, before you're late!!"

Bill warned me and I gave him one final hug out of thanks. Gods, I was so lucky to have him for a friend. Thank you for your mercy, Goddess Philotes... Thank you!

"Okay Bill! See ya later!"

I waved one last time and ran back up into the woods, excitement eating at my very existence! I still get to see Dipper, Wendy and Gideon are staying in town, everything seems to be going my way!

Now... I can't help the aching feeling that things right now are going to head south real quick.

I don't know the reason why, but under my happily beating heart, I still feel anxious about something... I don't know if it's about Dipper finding out about Bill or what...

just don't know.

Can someone, anyone... Please help me...?

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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