Chapter 12: Meet Me in the Meadow

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 Sasuke had weighed Kakashi's words carefully and slept on it for a night. Then two. And then three. Sasuke still wasn't sure he was making the right decision for himself or for Naruto, but he had decided on an answer and he couldn't seem to make himself go back on it no matter how hard he tried. The main problem now was facing Naruto. Sasuke had the innate ability to tell people to fuck off without batting an eye, but he didn't want that for Naruto, and looking back on his reaction when Sasuke had said no originally, he didn't think he could do that to him again. So much could go wrong, this is terrible, a recipe for disaster, he couldn't help but think. He wasn't sure how to start this process either. The two rarely texted and never called. Was Sasuke suppose to just wait around until he ran into him again? That made it seem as though he was avoiding him. Should he text? This situation seemed a bit heavy for that. Call? If there was one thing Sasuke hated about phone calls, it was awkward silences. No, this needed to be in person. He would text Naruto, like a sane, reasonable adult and ask him to meet somewhere. Like a reasonable, sane, adult. Sasuke hated how he was acting so childish.

Five minutes and several drafts later Sasuke had constructed a brief, concise message to the best of his ability. He read it again;

"Hey, you busy?"

He hit send before he had a chance to second guess himself. Naruto replied an agonizing 60 seconds later;

"Kinda, what's up?"

"Meet up later?"

"yea for sure, gimme 30 min? Meet me in the meadow?"


Sasuke held his phone in his lap. Just like that things had suddenly gotten very, very real.

Sasuke arrived first in the clearing, for which he wasn't sure if he was grateful or disappointed. He had time to collect himself a bit more, but also time to worry. He wanted this over with. Sasuke had had brief flings and casual relationships before, but he had been able to walk away from all of them without looking back. Regret was not a word Sasuke was familiar with. Perhaps that was why he was so unsettled by Naruto's confession. Naruto had added something to Sasuke's life in a way that he couldn't quite put into words, but that Sasuke had grown accustomed to. He had grown fond of Naruto's energy, of the way setbacks and insults never fazed him. The way he didn't care what people thought of him reminded Sasuke of himself, but Naruto was able to do so while still caring about others' feelings. How he was able to be so simultaneously apathetic and compassionate was lost on Sasuke. If Naruto left his life now, Sasuke felt that he would truly be losing something. Maybe trusting Naruto was a mistake, but if he walked away now only to look back one day in regret, he didn't think he'd be able to forgive himself. Sasuke's runaway thoughts were interrupted by the rustling of leaves as Naruto emerged from the brush, his hair wild and strewn with twigs.

"Hey." He said with that same dopey grin. Sasuke couldn't help but smile. He felt some of the tension leave his shoulders.

"Hey." He replied. Naruto strode up to Sasuke leaving a comfortable three feet or so between them. He shook the debris from his hair and stood casually with a hand in his pocket, the other at his side. He looked strangely comfortable in this odd situation.

"What's up?" He asked maintaining his nonchalant tone. Sasuke didn't know how to preface this conversation, and he knew Naruto understood why they were there, so he began plainly.

"I wanted to talk to you," he began, "about our conversation the other day."

Naruto nodded seriously. "Did you give it some thought?"

"I did. A lot actually. Sorry to keep you waiting." Naruto held up a hand to wave him off.

"Nah, no trouble. I'm glad you took it seriously." He regarded Sasuke with an intensity uncharacteristic of him. "I meant what I said y'know."

Sasuke's face was blank as usual. "So you still feel that way then?"

Naruto's face turned quizzical. "Of course I do. My feelings haven't changed." Sasuke nodded.

"Good. Mine have." Naruto tensed a bit, as if bracing for rejection, but he said nothing. Sasuke went on. "I didn't like you much when we first met. I think I probably hated you actually." Naruto winced a bit but held his tongue. Sasuke continued. "But, I do... enjoy... your company. And respect your ambition." Naruto smiled then, blinding and genuine.

"Really?" Naruto glowed, "I mean, of course I'm not surprised, considering how amazing I am." Sasuke instantly smacked his shoulder which only made Naruto laugh and throw his hands up in surrender. Sasuke sneered. Naruto settled down a bit and met Sasuke's gaze. "So, you like me then? Does that mean... You'll go out with me?" Naruto looked as hopeful as he did sheepish while he waited.

Sasuke still wasn't sure, even now, but he knew if anyone deserved a chance, it was Naruto.

"Yes," he finally spoke, "I'd like that."

There was a beat of silence before Naruto's face lit up and he smiled wider than Sasuke had ever seen him. He choked out a gleeful laugh and rushed at Sasuke with his arms open wide. Sasuke didn't have much time to react, only managing a single step back before Naruto crushed him in a massive bear hug, lifting him easily off the ground.

"Woah, hey!" Sasuke yelped. "Put me down!" Naruto obeyed but kept his grip on Sasuke's arms, unintentionally pinning them to his sides. Sasuke wondered if it was too late to back out.

"Oh man, this is amazing! I'm gonna take you everywhere you'd better believe it! We can go to the zoo, and ice skating, and movies, and road trips!" Sasuke wriggled an arm free and removed Naruto's hand from the other.

"Or, we can go to lunch." Sasuke offered. Naruto's grin never faded.

"Alright!" He cheered. "Let's go!" Sasuke hadn't even suggested a place before Naruto had ahold of his hand and they were running nimbly through the underbrush. Dodging branches and thorns on all sides, Sasuke tried to remember the last time he'd smiled like this. He pushed himself to keep stride, lest he fall behind and lose his grip on Naruto's hand.

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