p r o l o g u e

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a/n: yay! a new story lmao 😂😭😂😭😂❤i hope you guys liked it.

The cheerleaders have all gathered up at the corner of the backstage area, bodies surrounding and circling around the red-headed coach. It was already quarter to 1 o'clock before the cheering competiton starts and a wave of apprehension had unfortunately surged through everyone's system, even their coach's.

"Alright, listen up, pretty ladies," Coach Sam shouted through the beats of the music that was blaring disturbingly loud for her liking. "This is the championships, do you understand?" She asks, in which she recieved a simultaneous nod in response. "I don't want any of you to make at least a slight and unnoticeable mistake. Hell I don't think there are rooms for your stupid mistakes anymore. This is the moment we've all been waiting for, and I can't let one of you airheaded creatures ruin what I have started. A trophy is waiting to be held by its champion, and no matter how arrogant that sounded, I believe that you girls will be holding it. Now answer me this, do you want to win this competition? Yes or no?"

"Yes, coach!" The girls shouted with full energy.

"Do you wanna hold the trophy close to your chest with such pride that the other teams would literally bow down before you?"

"Yes, coach!"

Coach Sam nodded, flashing the team a lopsided smile. "Good luck, girls."

And with that being said, the cheerleaders all stretched their right hands along with the coach's, chanting their school's name that ended with a loud cheer before the girls go back to their seats beside the stage.

Perrie and Jade sat down next to each other as usual. Perrie has her arm wrapped tightly around Jade's shoulder as she leaned her head against Jade's while Jade's hand found itself holding the blonde's waist. Jade leaned her head against Perrie's as well, knowing that Perrie usually does this when she's getting antsy already. Jade drew her head back to look at the blonde, whose face seemed to glisten from the minimum light that was shining upon them.

"Damn, Perrie. We aren't doing anything and you're sweating already?" Jade laughed lowly, her eyes briefly glancing at somewhere before meeting Perrie's gaze once again.

Perrie rolled her eyes. "I'm nervous, okay?"

"This is like your probably hundredth time performing in front of a million people, and yet you're still nervous?"

"Of course I am! What do you think?"

Jade shrugged and smiled, leaning her forehead against Perrie's. "You'll do great. I'm sure of it. Trust me."

Jade's tone sounded genuine and comforting, and in some unclear way, it somehow made Perrie's nervousness run away. Perrie loved this side of Jade, her positive, optimistic side. And it aspired the blonde to become like that as well.

Perrie flashed Jade a huge grin.

"Thanks, Jade."

And that's when she felt Leigh's presence between the both of them, her slim arms wrapping around on both Jade's and Perrie's shoulder. Leigh smiled as she alternately looks at the pair, before her eyes fixated their gaze on Perrie.

Perrie stared back at her, probably not in the same way as Leigh's though. Leigh Pinnock disgust her in any way possible and Perrie is worried that there will come a day when the girl might have the guts to decapitate this obnoxious girl.

"This is your second to the last competition, Captain. Any last words before I seize your throne?" Leigh says in a bittersweet manner that added fuel to the fury that Perrie is currently feeling inside right now.

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