2. Beyond The Horizon

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As days rolled on, an unlikely friendship blossomed between the two. Junaid even started looking forward to each day he spent in the company of his new friend Fida and her younger brother Saif.

They made life bearable for him.

The constrained refugee camps of Palestine didn't suffocate him anymore now that he knew she lived there too.

He finally found a purpose to move on.

Little by little he grew ready to leave his yesteryears behind.

The deafening screams of his parents when their house was bombed; the visions of his cousin being dragged through the streets, bleeding and bruised for having thrown stones at the officers and the annoying curfews faded into the background.

His problems paled in comparison to her.

Fida was witty, giving and selfless; his silver lining. Without any intention, she made him delve deeper into the aspects of life he had never before given a second thought. Junaid had found someone who made his existence meaningful. He was gradually falling for her.

After so many months of sleepless night, restless days and burning agony, life seemed somewhat normal for him. He could finally breathe peacefully in hopes of a having a better tomorrow.

"Akh", called out Saif in his baby voice standing at the entrance of their house beckoning Junaid inside. With broken window panes, creaky doors and restricted hours of electricity, the house was in its dilapidated state just like the others at the refugee camps but Fida had made the best of what they had. She was truly gifted.

And special.

Junaid who was standing outside the house went down on his knees pulling Saif closer to him, "Should I come in? I don't think its a wise decision Saif. People talk you know. They know that I like your sister. And maybe I shouldn't enter the house when only you both are home. I mean your aunt lives with you too na? I should probably wait for her."

Saif blinked at Junaid unable to comprehend anything which was being said to him. The two year old lifted his hand and placed it on Junaid's face, playing with his ears, tugging it in all directions.

Chuckling, Junaid threw Saif into the air earning his hearty laughter. "You don't understand anything I say, do you?" He blew raspberries on Saif's stomach. "Maybe that's why I say it to you bro. Your sister hardly pays attention to what I want from her. You, my two year old if God wills, would-be brother-in-law will help me out, won't you?" Junaid laughed launching him into the air again.

All of a sudden, Junaid heard an explosion go off at a distance. The houses in the alley they were standing in shook violently and he was thrown off along with Saif due to the impact. Instinctively, Junaid draped himself over the little guy, trying to protect him from any harm that was to incur upon them. He rolled them to a side and closed Saif's ears, telling him to shut his eyes tight. The torture continued for a while, each second dragging like a year.

Just when the noise decreased and he was starting to think it was all over, Fida's house went down in a heap of wooden planks. Junaid's heart plummeted to the ground.

Fida was in there!

He left Saif in a corner and rushed to the ruins, yelling her name at the top of his lungs. He searched for her in the remains, his heart beating violently. She was his everything. If something were to happen to her, he wasn't sure if he could battle with life any longer. He was going to drown in despair.

"Fidaaaa", he yelled again making his way into the heap. He wanted to hear her voice one last time. He wanted to confess his love to her. He wanted to tell her of all the dreams he had about them living together. His heart was sinking every passing second. With every delayed second, his breathing grew difficult.

Throwing another plank, he was about to venture deep into the pile when he heard a faint voice calling out his name. He turned in the direction of the voice and heaved a sigh of relief when he found Fida covered in bruises, hugging her brother. Junaid quickly made his way to her, falling multiple times and scraping his legs in the rush. He had gone numb seeing that she was still safe and unharmed.

"Where were you?", he demanded in a quivering voice.

"I had gone to the next alley to fetch water. We had run out of it", she replied. "Thank you so much for saving Saif. Had anything happened to him, I wouldn't have been able to live." She was trembling.

Junaid nodded not trusting himself to speak. He sank onto the ground next to her. All around them, people were running about checking if their family members were alright.

Junaid felt a rush of déjà vu. The same thing had happened years ago and he had lost his parents. His family had been torn to shreds. This time, however, he was determined not to let anything happen to the two who meant so much to him.

"Gather whatever you can", he said facing Fida in renewed determination. "You're coming home with me."


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