22. I'm back

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Hey guys! I'm back!! Finally! I updated! Hahaha. Sorry guys..

Suzy's POV

I stared at my phone's screen for a minute. I can't believe that it's been a month since Kris and I last talked on the phone. Kris was so busy with his modelling career and I too, became busy with college. But I felt like Kris was becoming cold to me. His text messages have been short and no emoticons on it. It's like he doesn't want to talk to me anymore but I don't know why he became like this and I don't know what's happening to our relationship. 

His messages were all like 'I'm busy. I'm tired. I'll text you later.'

It's all that type of message. I came back to reality when I heard Ren's voice calling out my name. "Is there something wrong, Suzy?" Ren asked looking at me worriedly. I noticed that he's sitting beside me. 

I smiled and shook my head. "No. There's nothing wrong."

"Are you sure?" He persistently asked me.

"Yeah. I'm sure. No need to worry about." I smiled. Ren's been a great friend to me. I was mad at him before because he kissed me on that night but he apologized to me sincerely. Well, I already forgave him for that 'kiss'. We talked about that. I nicely refused his confession to me and he accepted it even though, he had those painful expression on it. He told me that he'll keep on supporting my relationship with Kris and he will be there for me when I need him. I remembered that I teared up when he told me that. 

"Okay. If you need someone to talk to. I'm just here. Well, I'm off to class Suzy." Ren patted my head and stood up from his seat.

"Okay. Thanks Ren." I smiled. 

I looked at my watch and it's already 4:00 pm. I don't have class anymore so, I should better go home. 

As soon as I got home, I went in my room and jumped on my bed. I looked at my phone and there's still no message from Kris. I miss him. Why can't you text me? It's already a week since you last sent me a text message. I know that you're busy but don't forget about me. I really miss you, Kris. 

I decided to send him a text message. 

To: Kris <3

How are you? Are you still busy? I miss you.. :(

I pressed send. Okay. That will do. I hope Kris will reply.

I waited for about three hours and I still didn't get a reply from him. Within two hours, I already showered and ate dinner but still, no response from him. I sighed from frustration. So, I decided to surf on the internet. I googled Kris' name and I found that he really became so popular. It makes me feel like we're from different worlds. But never mind, Kris is my boyfriend so, I should be happy for him.

I startled when my phone beeped a message. I smiled when I saw that Kris replied my message. At last, he replied my message.

From: Kris <3

Hey. Yeah. I'm busy rn. Sorry.

I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows with the thought of it. Oh..He's busy.  He's busy again. He's always busy. I know he's busy but he really is always acting cold to me. We didn't have a long conversation since last month. 

I hurriedly type my message.

To: Kris <3

You're busy again? Really?

After few minutes, he replied.

From: Kris <3

Yea. I'm busy. Talk to you later.

To: Kris <3

Busy of what? I know that you're already off from work. Why are you still busy? 

I felt anger in me.

To: Kris <3

Okay. Whatever. Go and be busy forever. 

I furiously pressed send. Why is he always like that? Why is he so cold to me? 

Then, I got a reply from Kris.

From: Kris <3

Not now Suzy. 

To: Kris <3

Why are you so cold? I can't believe that you're still busy at this time. It's already evening. I can't believe you!

From: Kris <3

I don't want to argue with you, okay. I don't have time for this. I'm tired.

After reading his message, I got mad. Not just mad but really mad. What the hell is wrong with him? He doesn't have time for this?! He's always like that. He's always busy. I know he's a busy person but it's not fair. Why are you being cold to me? This long-distance relationship thing is really difficult. I hate this. 

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