Chapter 1

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It was another rainy Saturday night in New York City. The calendar showed March 11th,which meant that Jonathan still hadn't made any new friends in the two months since school started. But Jonathan didn't know it any other way, because he has always been a loner; sitting in the back of the class, always quiet and never smiled. That was his style.

He just turned 18 and no one really cared. His father, a rather wealthy business man, was in Paris for a meeting and didn't even call. His mother ... dead. Cancer got her when Jonathan was 10. After his mother's death, Jonathan's father sold the house and they moved from Seattle to New York. He claimed he needed to get away from the old memories, but the truth is: business was simply better in New York.

The clock, on the bottom right corner of the monitor that Jonathan was staring at, was striking 9:00 pm. He knew that most people his age would get ready to go out now, but not him. He would stay home, once again and get lost in the abyss that is the internet. His friends list on Facebook never surpassed the number 15, and even those 15 were people he never met or chatted with. There was no actual reason for him to even have Facebook, but he had this deep urge of belonging anyway. Other site she frequently visited included Youtube, Piratebay and Pornhub. And then there was Craigslist. Jonathan was fascinated by Craigslist. The place where everyday people meet ruthless criminals. He was always wondering how many of the things offered on this site were actually stolen. It is for that reason,that he never bought anything off of that website. But there was one section he was especially interested in: "personals". Where women are seeking men, men are seeking women and people shed tears over missed connections. He could spend hours reading all these posts and he usually did. But today was not one of these days. Today he felt especially lonely and for reasons that he couldn't explain to himself he clicked on "casual encounters." Jonathan tried online dating before, because he was extremely shy in real life, but when he was hiding behind his monitor and his personality became a sequence of ones and zeros, he felt more confident. However, he always ended things as soon as the other person asked him to meet up. And so it comes as no surprise that Jonathan is still a virgin. But today, he felt, was the day that this would change. No one, not even he himself, could explain why that was. Maybe because he woke up with the left instead of the right foot, or he didn't sleep in, as he usually does on Saturdays. Maybe it was the fact that he skipped breakfast or that he used his dad's shampoo, because his was out.

The captions were reading "Tasty Sweet Treat," "Saturday desert" (she must have meant dessert) and "Dick Flavorvodka gimmie."


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The more time he spent reading through all of these "offers," the more intimidated he got. Eventually he decided that if this is really going to happen,it needed to be with a pro. But he had no idea how to go about it. He heard stories about the NYPD posting as fake prostitutes and as soon as you give the woman the money, they would arrest you. Jonathan spent another hour sorting through all the posts and at the end he settled on the one titled "Anonymous fantasy." The post read "I will fulfill all your wishes and deepest desires. Just call Nin3 1$even Thr33 8 F0ur S1x 2 7hree Zer0 and ask for Candy."

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