Chapter 2

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I didn't even know you can have moles down there, Jonathan thought to himself while looking at the very revealing close up picture that Candy posted.This one looks like Mickey Mouse. She should probably get that checked. O.K! Enough about health care. Time to call this number.

He carefully dialed the number, checking every digit twice to make sure it's right. He wanted to avoid the embarrassment to call the wrong number, and ask a stranger for Candy, at all cost.

Was the pause between the phone ringing always that ... he couldn't even finish his thought before someone picked up the phone. "Hello?" a gentle voice asked? "Hellooooo?" the voice asked again. "Y-Y-Yes. Hi.Can I talk to Candy please?" Jonathan asked. "Speaking, honey,"the voice responded with a very seducing undertone. "Who am I talking to?" "My name is J..." he stopped abruptly. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to give out his real name or some sort of a stage name. Come up with something ... quickly, he thought. Johnny Longwood? Definitely not! I'm no porn star. Just Johnny? No! Too close to my real name. "This is Jason," he finally responded."Hello Jason. Nice to meet you. I have a feeling I know what you are calling about. Should I just give you my address and you come over?" she asked. "My address is 937, E 172nd St. ,"she responded to her own question. "When can you be here?" Johnathan was checking Google maps as she was speaking and he gulped when he saw that he had to go to the Bronx. He heard so many bad stories about the north that he was almost going to call it off. But again,tonight was not the usual Saturday night. Tonight was going to be the night of many firsts. "It's 11:30pm now, so I can probably be thereat 1:00am. Is that O.K?"

"Perfect! See you then," and she hung up.

 He had about 30 minutes before he had to leave the house. He rushed to the shower,cleaned himself properly ... everywhere. He than looked down on a bush that resembled the Congolese rain forest and it probably had the same biodiversity, too. It had to go! He grabbed his dad's razor and started the harvest. Harvest in the sense that he could have easily made a tiny pubic pillow out of all the hair he gathered. When it came to clothing, he had no idea how to dress for the occasion. Not even Google had an answer for that. All he knew was that clean underwear is a must. The rest, he figured, can be casual. And so he put on jeans, a white shirt, a red sweater and rushed out of the house and into a taxi.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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