The Ocean

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The ocean is teeming with emotions.
It can be angry.
It can be calm.
It can be happy.
It can be sad.

It relaxes you,
But destroys you at the same time.
It loves you and
Hates you all at once.

Shh, Shh
As it calms you with its soothe voice.
In the blink of an eye,
Crack, Crack
Everything is gone, and never to come back.

So complex,
All shades of color.
Some are noticed, some are undercover.
Such a mystery
No one will ever no its intentions.

Hurting you, loving you.
Makes you wonder,
Are my best interests at heart?
Should I stay, or break us apart.

No matter how hard I try.
I love the feeling that you give me.
No matter what I say.
I keep coming back for more.
My lack of self-control shakes me to the core.

The ocean is transparent,
But still murky.
Looks like there is nothing to hide,
But is filled with secrets.

It is like most people.
We have a face we show the world.
When we are by ourselves,
There is no hiding, from who we are really.

My desires and I are the ocean.
Together, but far.
Sometimes lost in the ocean,
We lose sight of who we are.

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