Pre: Nawx II - The Dangers of the Silent Realm

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Silence. It was all bitter silence. A silence that had scared the little girl ever single time she would land in this strange and mystic realm. As years went by, the vision of this mystic realm became more apparent to her, more visible. The aura that gave weight to the world's atmosphere was realm was different than she had ever experienced in her life. She felt numb, though she could feel her spine tingle from an unknown sense. As time went by and she found herself in this realm more and more, that unknown sense opened up- and it was fear. Light emerged from the outside walls, the ancient brick walls filled the area as the girl awoke from her slumber. She sat up and rubbed her head, as she grumbled from the thought of returning to this world. She was familiar with this realm, and she had called it the Silent Realm. It wasn't as dreadful as it had looked to be. It did not have a dark impression or a feeling that you were lost in time. It felt like this world, in fact, had no meaning. 

The girl stood up on her feet. Her short black hair was looked messy, though she still had on her clear white nightgown she would usually wear when she would go into her slumber. Her feet were exposed, however, but as she took a step she did not feel any pain from the crumbles of pebbles under her feet. She felt no pain at all, and she would soon come to realize that this world had helped her get away from any pain she had, mostly mentally. She stared up at the ceiling of the stone room. The stone room was destroyed, it had multiple holes in the walls that exposed the sun's rays from the outside. She walked to one of the holes in the walls and glanced into the outside. There appeared to be no land, she had been on some floating buildings that had no surrounding- just the blueness of the sky that had puffy clouds floating amidst. 

She was amazed by the view, for once there was no sight of fear that would trench through into her soul, or into her heart. She smiled, and her smile brightened the sky more so. But a shake occurred within her building. The building that resembled a watchtower was beginning to crumble. She turned around to look as the ceiling began to collapse. Alarmed, she hastily started to look for a way out of the watchtower, which led her to look out of the hole in the wall again. There was another watchtower that had drifted toward her way as if the wind's current directed its way in an effort to save her. She stood on the hole and looked down into the endless void of blue and clouds. Sighing, she took a deep breath and jumped as high as she could toward the next watchtower over. 

It looked like she was going to miss, but she was successful at grabbing onto the edge of the top. Struggling, she took a minute to pull herself on top of the floating watchtower. She was panting as she fell down on her back and looked up into the sky. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself. 

          "Why..." She whispered. Her voice was soft as if it was the voice of the unseen angels, "Why do I keep coming back to this dreaded place?" She rubbed her forehead before cupping her hands into fists, screaming into the peaceful sky, "This migraine... It fucking hurts!"

          "Excuse me, but would you be so kind to watch your language?" A mysterious deep voice spoke within the silence that was blanketed by the soft and silent breeze of winds. 

The girl sat up quickly and blinked her eyes in confusion. It was the first time she had ever heard a voice in this realm. Narrowing her eyes and appearing to be cautious, she looked around the area where the realm still looked to be silent and lonesome. But it wasn't too long before she could hear louder shifts in the air, the sounds the wind would create when a powerful storm was about to erupt in the sky. She stood on her feet and turned toward the building that suddenly appeared before her eyes. It was different than the other buildings that were around her, the other building seemed to be in ruins. But this building looked to have been built recently, and from a different time. On the top there was a clock, indicating that this was a clocktower. But her eyes narrowed as she noticed that the clock's hour hand and minute hand were stuck on the XII, indicating that it was midnight.

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