Verse XII - The Azebec of Neglect

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The sky dimmed and it showed an array of darkness within the clouds. Rain poured down from the angry skies, laying upon the body of Viola as she laid on the stone ground. A loud thunder strike scared Viola into waking up. She quickly stood up, noticing that she was once again stripped down to just the white dress she had one, just like in her dreams from before. Her nerves did not feel anything, she could tell the environment was cold because when she exhaled, she could see her breath. Even the strong breeze of wind was not felt, but she could see the bottom of her dress sway with the wind along with her short black hair. The rain begun to pour even harder, forcing her to feel the wrath of the angry clouds, so she tried to take shelter in the only place she could find, a tall castle that stood in her direction. Her eyes peered up at the tall castle, covering her eyes from the blazing winds, it gave her a strange feeling- like it was inviting her inside.

The tall doors creaked as they opened, almost like the creaking sound was intentional to let the people know inside that she had arrived. The inside of the castle looked destroyed- the furniture was broken apart, the staircase that led up stairs collapsed, blood was splattered all over the place. Viola felt very anxious, but it was the sense of familiarity that allowed her to continue forward. She shut the door slowly and walked forward, her feet would step in the puddle of blood on the floor and she created bloody footprints where ever she went. The room was very large, and there seemed to be no end in sight, but a large hole with a fancy black fence caught her attention. The bottom of the hole presented only darkness, but she could've heard something coming from the bottom.

"Do you hear it, Viola?" The voice of the little girl spoke from behind Viola, laughing at Viola's reactions.

Viola turned around quickly, "What is this place?"

"It seems rather familiar to you, doesn't it? You see it in your dreams; you know, dreams are sometimes known as a relic of your memories." The little girl explained as she walked around in a circle, holding her hands from her back.

"Memories? I don't remember a castle of this structure at all. It seems like something from a different time..." Viola muttered as she glanced back down the hole.

The little girl stopped right next to Viola and glanced down the hole as well, "If you're so curious, why don't you go down there and check it out?"

"No... It's too deep of a hole." Viola frowned.

"So? You only see this castle in your dreams, remember? When was it the last time someone actually died in their dreams, and never woke up?"

Viola sighed as her eyes stared into the darkness, occasionally seeing something swimming within the darkness, but she assumed that her eyes were just playing tricks on her, "Do you know anything about these Azebecs?"

The little girl looked up at Viola and tilted her head, "Hm? Why would you think I know anything about them?"

"There has to be a reason why I keep appearing at this bizarre realm. I know I can't be sleeping. I've never been here either, so it can't be a dream."

"How do you know that?

Viola frowned and looked down at her, "Who are you- what are you?"

The little girl giggled and began taking a few steps back from her, "Such a strange question, as such a strange time. But unfortunately, you don't know enough to figure all of this on your own. It's quite disappointing for all the time you've been given. You were able to change the world for the better, but now the world is returning to its former state and you're still alive. What was the purpose of that, why are you still breathing?"

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